Friday, February 21, 2020

Critique of Aristotle's Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Critique of Aristotle's Politics - Essay Example Other types include tyranny, oligarchy and democracy, which are considered bad ones. It has been argued that there are a number of advantages and disadvantages that come with the type of government in practice. This affects the level of benefits of the people as well as the level of peace in a government. Benefits and disadvantages are associated with the types of government that Aristotle discusses in his classification of empires. This paper provides a discussion of those pros and cons. It also provides the argument whether these forms of rule would be suitable for the administration of the Roman Empire. Discussion One of the first political structures Aristotle refers to is a monarchy. He distinguishes a monarchy noting that, â€Å"The rule of a household is a monarchy, for every house is under one head: whereas constitutional rule is a government of freemen and equals† (Aristotle 279). Aristotle goes on to indicate that the major pros of a political monarchy are that the h ead of state is separated from the head of government. It has also been noted that there exists a great relationship between the leader and the people if the leader is a monarch. This is because people see the Royal Family as a family they can relate to. Indeed, at one point Aristotle even compares a monarchy to a family, with the head of the household constituting the King or Queen. The other pro is that this form of leadership ensures the interest of the nation is placed first in preference to other considerations. It is also a form of government that represents centuries of history and tradition. It is considered a tourist attraction due to its archaic nature, and tourists usually come to see the working palaces. This type of empire would have been successful in the Roman Empire during the reign of Diocletian which started in 284 CE. Since the monarch divided the empire into two, it would have ensured loyalty to the monarch from the eastern and the western empires. This would ens ure cases of disagreements and rebellion against the monarch are prevented. Aristocracy, on the other hand, is a form of rule which ensures the best rulers. There are certain pros associated with this form of rule. The main one is that it ensures the best people who can rule the country are given the authority to do so if the present leadership is hereditary. This ensures the country is ruled by the right people in the right direction. This form of rule would have been successful in the Roman Empire. In these regards, one considers that Aristotle extols the virtues of the aristocracy as being effective with many strongholds (Aristotle). The Roman Empire had various problems from attacks from the Vandals in 455 CE. This led to the removal of the Roman Emperor, Romulus Augustus from power by the Odovacar, a paid mercenary of the Romans as well as the leader of the Goths. This is what resulted in the end of the Roman Empire. The selection of the right leader would ensure he puts the ri ght defensive measures to ensure the people are protected and the multitude of strongholds would have constituted an effective defensive measure. This would have contributed to the continued existence of the Roman Empire. Tyranny can also be considered to have certain pros with respect to the Roman Empire. This is because only a tyrant is allowed to act in a manner that he wants without considering ethics. It allows the society to run free by assuming control irrespective to the nature of the control. Aristotle notes,

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Eco architecture and culture Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8250 words

Eco architecture and culture - Dissertation Example 11 3.5 What was the cultural effect on those communities that chose not to live above ground? 12 3.6 Why are some cultures still driven to living underground? 13 3.7 What are the main types of underground homes? 13 3.8 Why are underground homes still popular in certain countries and civilisations? 15 3.9 What is the modern day attraction to creating underground homes in the developed world? 17 3.10 How has modern technology influenced our perception of underground homes? 18 3.11 How has modern day thinking influenced our perception of underground homes? 19 3.12 How do modern day underground homes compare with the original? 20 3.13 How do modern day underground homes influence modern day cultural development? 20 3.14 The cultural effect of global warming 21 3.15 Underground homes and eco architecture. Differences and similarities 21 3.16 What is the way forward? 22 3.17 How today cultural development influences living underground? 22 4. Discussion on literature 23 5. Conclusion 23 6. Recommendations 24 Bibliography 25 Critical Bibliography 26 Abstract The return of living underground, as a social phenomenon, can be characterized rather as expected. The continuous increase of population in cities would have normally such outcome, either in the short or the long term. At the same time, the limitation of energy sources worldwide has promoted another trend: the alignment of architecture with the rules of sustainability. Indeed, the last decade, eco – architecture, as this trend is known, has rapidly expanded worldwide strongly affecting the social, economic and cultural framework of each country. The effects of eco-architecture on culture are discussed in this study. Emphasis is given on a particular aspect of eco-architecture: underground living. This is because underground homes have become popular, offering an effective alternative for those who are interested in promoting sustainability. It is proved that eco-architecture can interact with culture but und er certain terms. Moreover, the relationship between eco-architecture and culture is not standardized; it can be strong or weak, depending on the level at which eco-architects are free to promote architectural projects which can highly affect the cultural characteristics of a particular region. 1. Overview 1.1 Research Objectives The objectives of this study could be described as follows: a) to identify the key characteristics of eco-architecture, b) to check whether eco-architecture is able to interact with culture and at which level; C) to identify the reasons for which people had initially chosen to live underground but also the reasons for which they decided to move to buildings above the ground; d) to compare the quality of underground homes, as compared to conventional homes; e) to check whether modern thinking can affect the views of people in regard to eco-architecture and living underground and f) to estimate, as possible, the expansion of underground homes, as a trend, in the future. 1.2 Value of the topic Living underground has been a common practice in the early years of human history. Still, the rapid development of technology and the changes in the structure and the principles of societies have led to the need for different forms of living. Moving above ground has been a critical point for the history of humans. It seems that the above transition has been highly promoted by culture. For similar reasons, a different trend has recently appeared: living undergroun