Friday, May 31, 2019

Names in Shirley Jacksons The Lottery :: Shirley Jackson Lottery Essays

One of the leaders and important man of the town is Mr. Summers. Summer is a season of the year. It is the season of growing, the season of life. His name represents partly the old pagan fertility ritual because the harvest that is being sacrificed to is being grown in the summer. This is supposedly, accord to Old Man Warner, what the lottery held each year was all about. But, in this case, the harvest should be fine because the setting of the story tells us that the flowers were blossoming copiously and the grass was richly green (74). Mr. Summers did many things to slowly ween the old tradition, the old harshness, out of the ordeal. He had the wooden chips replaced with more convienent slips of paper. He also spoke frequently...about making a new box (75), so, therefore, he also represented new ideas as well as old. The new ideas that the close-minded village people would not accept. If given the chance, Mr. Summers would have more than likely accepted and backed the motion to ce ase the lottery and stop the sacrifice. Even though he conducted the lottery which someone was sacrificed (murdered) he is seen as one of the most innocent characters because of his new ideas and wishes for something better. Mr. Summers, with all of his importance, had someone over him though. Mr. Graves, the postmaster, must have been of more importance and power than he because Mr. Summers had to be sworn in by Mr. Graves before he could have the right to be the official of the lottery. As the reader might good derrive, Mr. Graves symbolizes the sacrificial killing being caused by the lottery. His superiority over Mr. Summers is also symbolic. It shows how the sacrifice and the lottery in itself is more important than the new ideas presented by Mr. Summers and a few other villagers. But, Mr. Graves has many more villagers behind him sharing his views. One of these is Old Man Warner. Mr. Warner is the oldest man in town and, therefore, having the most knowledge of what the or iginal tradition was all about. He lets us know that there has always been a lottery (77). He is repetadly shown warning the younger parents and the younger generation of what they are in for if they do away with the lottery.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Fichtes Subjective Idealism Essay -- Philosophy Essays

Fichtes Subjective Idealism With a dramatic dialectic style, Fichte expounds his subjective idealism which seriously undermines claims of an outside world and which ultimately borders on solipsism. Beginning with the question of Free Will, Fichte concludes that in that respect is none before engaging a mysterious Spirit in a philosophical dialogue over the nature of Fichtes knowledge. In the end, Fichte curses the Spirit for revealing the grim truth all reality is transformed into a fabulous dream, without in that respect being any life the dream is about, without there being a mind that dreams. Following the same path of reasoning as the dialogue, the Spirit begins by asking Fichte how he knows of impertinent objects. In answering that the knowledge of external object arrives as a result of direct, immediate sense perception, Fichte concedes that he possesses no direct consciousness of outside objects, but only of himself. In all perception you only per ceive yourself, since perception is merely the conscious recognition of watching statements such as I see ... Fichtes Subjective Idealism Essay -- Philosophy EssaysFichtes Subjective Idealism With a dramatic dialectic style, Fichte expounds his subjective idealism which seriously undermines claims of an external world and which ultimately borders on solipsism. Beginning with the question of Free Will, Fichte concludes that there is none before engaging a mysterious Spirit in a philosophical dialogue over the nature of Fichtes knowledge. In the end, Fichte curses the Spirit for revealing the grim truth all reality is transformed into a fabulous dream, without there being any life the dream is about, without there being a mind that dreams. Following the same path of reasoning as the dialogue, the Spirit begins by asking Fichte how he knows of external objects. In answering that the knowledge of external object arrives as a result of direct, imm ediate sense perception, Fichte concedes that he possesses no direct consciousness of outside objects, but only of himself. In all perception you only perceive yourself, since perception is merely the conscious recognition of thoughtfulness statements such as I see ...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Human Cloning :: Essays Papers

Human CloningA new concept has been introduced to the world the creative thinker of cloning humans. While very controversial and still in its beginning stages, cloning posts some powerful and interesting options for the development of human medicines and the expansion of life. The call of cloning on plants is an old method, and just recently this cloning has been used on animals as well. This window of opportunity to forever benefit humanity moldiness not be ignored as so many people wish it to be, except rather, used as a tool to help the emerging of life.Scientific development has always been a study focus ensuring humanity a future. Why should this process be halted strictly because the current moral and estimable values of cloning arent compliant? The positive effects cloning could have on science are numerous regenerated organs, perfect blood matches, no waiting lists, preventative measures against future genetic diseases, and much more. Human cloning could be used to grow life-saving bone marrow for children with leukemia, (BBC). In respect, how much struggle is there between cloning and the use of medicines? In both ways humans are using the powers of science to better control the outcome of psyches life. If people of the past prevented their sciences from researching these medicines, where would humanity be today? Restricting the development of science is definitely not a good idea.For many people, the major argument against cloning is that the human tampering of creation is not Gods will. No major difference is present between artificial and graphic child bearing, except that one process is external, so what is so wrong with using the potential of cells to form to our advantage? Aside from the ethical and moral standards, ghostlike standards hold cloning down as well. Not that tradition and belief structures are false, but too often these values are either misinterpreted or taken at the wrong level. Unfortunately, the idea of f aith makes it impossible to disprove anyones actions, but science should not be prevented because of a religious base unless humanity is willing to sacrifice as well all the other aspects of life defying religious values. There will always be religious confliction with science, but it should not prevent its development.Cloning will present, however, an eventual change in the way humans perceive themselves. For most all time, the definition of an individual hasnt really changed.

Decision Making in End-of-life Circumstances :: Right To Die Death Essays

Decision Making in End-of-life CircumstancesTraveling home on a common cold January evening in 1983, a car loses control going around a slippery corner. The car spins, then flips, and the woman inside is thrown into a ditch thirty feet from where the car eventually comes to rest. She sustained numerous injuries and eventually stopped breathing. By the time paramedics arrived, she had not taken a breath for at least 15 minutes, her blood pressure was 0 over 0 and her pulse was 0 beats per minute This is what is known as a write in code Blue (PBS Frontline). Twenty minutes had passed before adequate amounts of oxygen had reached her brain. (Permanent brain damage generally results after six minutes without oxygen.) The womans make out is Nancy Cruzan and her story is considered one of the most important milestones in the development of right to die policies in the United States because it is the first right to die case the positive Court ever heard.After extensive evaluation fo llowing her accident, Nancy was diagnosed with probable brain damage compounded by significant oxygen deprivation (Sisters of Leavenworth). Nancy remained in a coma for approximately three weeks and then progressed to an unconscious state in which she was able to ingest some nutrients viva voce. However, it soon became too difficult for Nancy to orally ingest the proper amount of nutrition, and it was necessary to implant a feeding and hydration tube. The tube was placed under consent from her father. Nancys eyes were open and she could campaign her mouth, but she did not have an understanding of what she heard or saw and could not speak. Nancy was described as being in a permanent vegetative state (American Medical Association).Ten months after her tragic accident, Nancy was moved to a state hospital, where various treatments and rehabilitative efforts were shown to be unsuccessful. After the realization that Nancy would most likely never regain her mental faculties, her paren ts Joe and Joyce Cruzan asked for the cessation of the administration of medically assisted nutrition and hydration via the gastronomy tube. The hospital did not feel they were authorized to honor the familys pass without court approval (Sisters of Leavenworth). The family was now faced with the emotional difficulties of requesting the removal of the same tube of which they had authorized the placement just a short time before.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Approach of U.S. Foreign Policy and Terrorism Essay -- Argumentati

The Approach of U.S. Foreign Policy and Terrorism U.S. remote policy is plunging head first of all in its struggle on terrorism. Our focus is expanding and including various dynamics that harbor American interests. By broadening our focus in our war on terrorism, we are beginning to spread ourselves too thin. Therefore, we risk the danger of fighting too many battles at once. Terrorism is a large issue that American foreign policy will not be able to tackle in the manner it has set out to do. Recently, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle voiced his bring up over the direction the U.S. is taking in its war on terrorism. He was criticized because his statements are one of the most critical assessments to date of the U.S. war effort, and therefore discordant at a time when the country needs to be united, (Bash). Daschle stated the war has been successful up until now, but was concerned the war effort has been cattle farm without clear direction, (Bash) . Daschles statement reflects a growing concern in sexual intercourse on the expansion of the war on terrorism. U.S. foreign policy and its approach to the war are broadening to include a widening spectrum of terrorist related issues in more regions of the world. Daschles main concern is that foreign policy initiatives supported by Congress in the aftermath of September 11th are taken as a blank check to expand the war on terrorism. Particularly, in the political campaign of American troops to regions of the world where events were not considered directly linked to US interests or security threats previously. His argument rests in the lack of communication between the crotch hair Administration and Congress on war initiatives. For example, despite regular briefing... 3 Mar 2002. Georgia Caucasus flashpoint. 27 Feb 2002. 27/georgia.chechnya/index.htmlGordon, Michael R. Saudis Warning Against fight by U.S. on Iraq. 17 Mar 2002. Press, Bill. Axis of Evil Reveals Excess of Ignorance. 20 Feb 2002. expanding war on terrorism. 1 Mar 2002. U.S. may send troops to Yemen soon, officials say. 12 Mar 2002.

The Approach of U.S. Foreign Policy and Terrorism Essay -- Argumentati

The Approach of U.S. Foreign Policy and Terrorism U.S. foreign indemnity is plunging head first in its state of struggle on terrorism. Our focus is expanding and including various dynamics that harbor American interests. By broadening our focus in our struggle on terrorism, we are beginning to spread ourselves too thin. Therefore, we risk the danger of fighting too many battles at once. Terrorism is a large protrude that American foreign insurance will not be able to tackle in the manner it has set out to do. Recently, Senate Majority Leader turkey cock Daschle voiced his concern over the direction the U.S. is taking in its war on terrorism. He was criticized because his statements are one of the most critical assessments to date of the U.S. war effort, and therefore divisive at a time when the country needs to be united, (Bash). Daschle stated the war has been successful up until now, but was concerned the war effort has been spreading without clea r direction, (Bash). Daschles statement reflects a growing concern in Congress on the expansion of the war on terrorism. U.S. foreign policy and its approach to the war are broadening to include a widening spectrum of terrorist related issues in more regions of the world. Daschles main concern is that foreign policy initiatives support by Congress in the aftermath of September 11th are taken as a blank check to expand the war on terrorism. Particularly, in the movement of American troops to regions of the world where events were not considered directly linked to US interests or security threats previously. His argument rests in the lack of intercourse between the Bush Administration and Congress on war initiatives. For example, despite regular briefing... 3 fault 2002. Georgia Caucasus flashpoint. 27 Feb 2002. chechnya/index.htmlGordon, Michael R. Saudis Warning Against Attack by U.S. on Iraq. 17 Mar 2002. Press, Bill. Axis of Evil Reveals Excess of Ignorance. 20 Feb 2002. expanding war on terrorism. 1 Mar 2002. U.S. may send troops to Yemen soon, officials say. 12 Mar 2002.