Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Approach of U.S. Foreign Policy and Terrorism Essay -- Argumentati

The Approach of U.S. Foreign Policy and Terrorism U.S. remote policy is plunging head first of all in its struggle on terrorism. Our focus is expanding and including various dynamics that harbor American interests. By broadening our focus in our war on terrorism, we are beginning to spread ourselves too thin. Therefore, we risk the danger of fighting too many battles at once. Terrorism is a large issue that American foreign policy will not be able to tackle in the manner it has set out to do. Recently, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle voiced his bring up over the direction the U.S. is taking in its war on terrorism. He was criticized because his statements are one of the most critical assessments to date of the U.S. war effort, and therefore discordant at a time when the country needs to be united, (Bash). Daschle stated the war has been successful up until now, but was concerned the war effort has been cattle farm without clear direction, (Bash) . Daschles statement reflects a growing concern in sexual intercourse on the expansion of the war on terrorism. U.S. foreign policy and its approach to the war are broadening to include a widening spectrum of terrorist related issues in more regions of the world. Daschles main concern is that foreign policy initiatives supported by Congress in the aftermath of September 11th are taken as a blank check to expand the war on terrorism. Particularly, in the political campaign of American troops to regions of the world where events were not considered directly linked to US interests or security threats previously. His argument rests in the lack of communication between the crotch hair Administration and Congress on war initiatives. For example, despite regular briefing... ...sh. CNN.com. 3 Mar 2002. www.cnn.com/2002/ALLPOLITICS/03/03/Daschle.terror/index.html Georgia Caucasus flashpoint. CNN.com. 27 Feb 2002. www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/europe/02/ 27/georgia.chechnya/index.htmlGordon, Michael R. Saudis Warning Against fight by U.S. on Iraq. Nytimes.com. 17 Mar 2002. www.nytimes.com/2002/03/17/international/middleeast/17CHEN.html Press, Bill. Axis of Evil Reveals Excess of Ignorance. CNN.com. 20 Feb 2002. www.cnn.com/2002/ALLPOLITICS/02/20/column.billpress.index.htmlU.S. expanding war on terrorism. CNN.com. 1 Mar 2002. www.cnn.com/2002/US/03/01/ret.us.forces/index.html U.S. may send troops to Yemen soon, officials say. CNN.com. 12 Mar 2002. www.cnn.com/2002/US/03/12/ret.yemen.troops/index.html

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