Saturday, July 27, 2019

Nelson Mandela Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Nelson Mandela - Essay Example This essay would further revolve around these contributions done by Nelson Mandela (Guiloineau 2002) In 1961 a letter from Nelson Mandela stated â€Å"I will continue fighting for freedom until the end of my days† (Mandela 1990). This clearly showed that Nelson Mandela believed in freedom from his early life. He received a life imprisonment for the Rivonia trial in 1964 and was released in 1990. His contribution to his native country can be related back to his early life when he received education in times when most of the people in South Africa were uneducated. It was there in his college that he learned much about the political problems that South Africa was facing in those times. He then joined Congress and formed the Youth league along with his acquaintainces in 1944. The injustices against the black were increasing in South Africa as witnessed by Mandela in those times as the Whites were gaining more access to the country afterWorld War II. All these conditions made Mandela persuade the committee he formed to go on strikes and civil disobediences against the government for the betterment of the blacks. His struggles then continued which bore some fruit in those times but he was arrested in 1962 after he was found by police (Mandela 1990; Boehmer 2008). Mandela was detained for twenty seven years in prison and is known to be one of the longest imprisoned freedom activist in the history of the world. After his release from jail one could clearly see his growing influence on the people of South Africa when thousands of people came to greet him outside the jail. After being released from the jail he started his freedom movement again for the blacks of South Africa. He was the made the president of African National Congress again in 1991. It was after the death of a member of ANC that presidential elections were held again.The African National Congress won the presidential elections and Mandela was

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