Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Obesity in New Orleans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Obesity in New Orleans - Essay Example That ... would be like a 5-foot-8-inch person weighing 197 pounds. The National Institutes of Health defines morbid obesity as a BMI above 40." (Graves). New Orleans is the city that loves to eat. It's no wonder, that this passion is reflected on the appearance and health of dwellers. The estimated quantity of overweight people in the New Orleans is 60% percent. The officials say it is obesity that is the cause for most diseases the New Orleans dwellers suffer from. They also add that the obesity-related diseases account for more than half of Louisiana's health care budget. (Sell) In 2005 Men's Fitness ranked New Orleans the seventh fattest city in the country. In 2004 it was on the twenty second place. The quantity of obese people in New Orleans is growing rapidly with each passing year, and thus the quantity of those, who suffer from the obesity-related diseases, also increases. New Orleans dwellers become less active, and eat more. One of the reasons of this process is that the fast foods are gaining popularity in New Orleans, the same as in the other American cities. The contemporary pace of life often doesn't allow time for cooking at home, thus the families either eat out, or order food home. It is rarely that families order home healthy foods like salad.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Booker T. Washington vs. W.E.B Dubois Essay Example for Free

Booker T. Washington vs. W.E.B Dubois Essay Booker T. Washington and W.E.B Dubois were two famous African American leaders during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They were both activists and wanted blacks to have an education; they also wanted to end discrimination towards blacks. These leaders both wrote great speeches which clearly specified what they thought was right for African Americans. Even though Washington and Dubois focused on the same social, political and economic issues, they strongly disagreed on strategies of achieving their goal of equality. The first African American leader that changed America forever was Booker T. Washington. Booker T. was one of Americas greatest African American leaders who believed that blacks deserved to be equal. Booker T. mainly focused on education, he wanted blacks to concentrate on their education and not equality. He believed that if blacks mainly focused on getting equality, than blacks are wasting their time because racism and hatred will always be a part of everyday life from now and even in the future for all different kinds of races, cultures and religious beliefs. Booker T. wanted blacks to have something called Industrial Education, and this certain type of education provided the skills needed for jobs that were available to the majority of African Americans. Since he was mainly focusing on blacks in the south, he wanted blacks to  master and be advanced at agriculture and farming skills. Booker T. stated  that overtime, whites will see that blacks have responsibility and commitment of being an American citizen. This will earn respect and equality from whites and accepted as citizens of the United States of America. Booker T. Washington was recognized as being a great speaker. He gave many motivational speeches to black people saying not to let whites control them because as American citizens you are free to do whatever you want. He told blacks to think positive and stop hiding from people that are trying to put you down in society and defend yourself on what you think is right. He told white people that you are underestimating blacks for what they could accomplish in society; you are being disrespectful to blacks just because of their skin color. The second African American leader that changed America forever was W.E.B Dubois. He focused on the exact opposite things that of Booker T. Washington. Dubois was also mainly focused on education as Booker T. Washington was, but he believed that blacks should be book smart and be as well educated as a white person, this was called the gradualist political strategy. Dubois realized that Booker T. Washington was accommodating white interests in his speech called the Atlanta Compromise, this made many people shocked on how Washington was basically saying that you can treat blacks as unequals and discriminate us as long as we get a decent education. Dubois and his supporters responded to this speech by establishing the Niagara Movement. The Niagara Movement was a group of African-American civil rights activists including W.E.B Dubois; they wrote a speech that demanded for equality and to cease discrimination. The speech claims that as American citizens, we have rights and by not giving these rights to us, you have made no accomplishment on what you founded this land for. Dubois does not believe in violence but believes that sacrifices had to be made in order to get African Americans to be seen as equals. He labels his speech in numbers from one through five and in each request; he explained each of his demands in a very  aggressive tone. He sought for an immediate change and will not be satisfied by the little changes that will be made over time. Both Booker T. Washington and W.E.B Dubois both had great arguments and philosophies for trying to get African Americans to have futures of being seen as equals, but I felt like Booker T. Washington made more sense at the time. Booker T. understood that blacks would never be seen as equals and he accepted it. Booker T. preached that being equal is not all that important but as time goes by, we will get accepted in to this nation as equals. He said this to blacks because he didnt want blacks lose faith on ever being seen as equals but instead, blacks started focusing on themselves and lived their daily lives without anyone putting the down in society. There are still many people that are racist but now they have learned to accept it and carry on with their lives. Booker T. Washingtons theory will always be a part of our nation and other countries all around the world. Booker T. Washington and W.E.B Dubois were two famous African American leaders during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They were both believed that blacks deserved equal rights as being an American citizen. These leaders both wrote great speeches which clearly specified what they thought was right for African Americans.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

1. INTRODUCTION Internet abuse is generally means an employee is surfing inappropriate web sites during work hours. Visited web pages are prohibited in organizational policy, or simply because of time or frequency of an employee web browsing problem. Abuser finder project is a project that can detect and check what staff in SMK Taman Ria Jaya do during working hour such as opening sites that is unrelated to their work. It is useful to superiors to monitor what staffs do at work. Is it working or doing other work. If so, staff opened the other sites during work, superiors can criticize or take action against the staff. 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT Problem statement is where before making a solution sure there is the problem. Here, there are some problems to be solved. Among them are:- ï‚ž Staff open other website during working hours ï‚ž Staff not focusing on their work while working ï‚ž IT Staff cannot monitor what staff are doing when working hours because quite a lot of staff 3. OBJECTIVES It is a must to achieve this by solving the problem of internet abuse faced by workers today. Th...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Roman Empire: Its Fall and Power

Rome was a major power because it always made certain its own military prowess was preeminent. There have been many ideas presented as to the fall of the Roman Empire. Many believe that Rome declined morally and the violence and decadence of the societal norms led to the demise. Gibbons has been credited with the theory of the influence and transference of Christianity over the Roman system of Gods and Goddesses that perpetrated the fall. Another theory lays the blame at the feet of the Emperor, that the happiness of the people and the functioning of the government was directly correlated with the personal merit and management skills of the reigning authorityRome was a major power because it always made certain its own military prowess was preeminent. There have been many ideas presented as to the fall of the Roman Empire. Many believe that Rome declined morally and the violence and decadence of the societal norms led to the demise. Gibbons has been credited with the theory of the influence and transference of Christianity over the Roman system of Gods and Goddesses that perpetrated the fall. Another theory lays the blame at the feet of the Emperor, that the happiness of the people and the functioning of the government was directly correlated with the personal merit and management skills of the reigning authority Rome was a major power because it always made certain its own military prowess was preeminent. There have been many ideas presented as to the fall of the Roman Empire. Many believe that Rome declined morally and the violence and decadence of the societal norms led to the demise. Gibbons has been credited with the theory of the influence and transference of Christianity over the Roman system of Gods and Goddesses that perpetrated the fall.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Tobacco Advertising Is Illegal but Alcohol Is Not

COMM 3P14 – Media Industries Tobacco Advertising is Illegal, but Advertising for Alcohol is not, Is This Hypocritical? Rebecca Stewart 4574927 Russell Johnston Seminar 3 November 11, 2012 Advertisements are a vital part of any company’s marketing strategy, and are used to inform or persuade an audience about a certain product or service. In fact, North American companies are among the world’s highest advertisers (Boone et al. , 2010, 502). Today, an average consumer is exposed to hundreds of advertisements every day.It is when these companies attempt to promote a dangerous product that restrictions must be, and have been put in place. For several years, Canada’s regulations on tobacco advertisements have become stricter, while alcohol advertisements are still permitted across multiple mediums. This leads one to question the difference between the two substances, and if this notion is in fact hypocritical. The stakeholders identified in this paper are the v iewers and listeners of the advertisements, specifically the youth audience.The principles involved with alcohol promotion are examined with a lens that incorporates the views of Horkheimer and Adorno’s perspective on advertising. Along with a brief history of tobacco advertising regulations, this paper will discuss the ethical issues involved in alcohol advertising, and evidence to support that alcoholic products are no less of a danger than tobacco, and should have the same advertising restrictions. There is also evidence to suggest that the majority of Canadians are in favour of tighter restrictions on alcohol advertising.The current hypocritical state of allowing alcohol to be advertised, but removing all tobacco related marketing is further discussed in detail. Literature Review Not only is advertising illegal for tobacco companies, retailers are now obligated to remove these products from sight. Cigarette companies are also no longer permitted to label their product as light or mild on the package (Pollay, 2004, 80). The first Canadian legislation successfully passed in favour of advertising regulations was the Tobacco Act of 1997 (Pollay, 2004, 80).Health Canada created provisions in this act such as, tobacco products must not be promoted, and all manufacturers must share information about the product’s emissions and health hazards arising from use of the product on the packaging (Health Canada, 2011). The intent of this act was to protect young people and others from being encouraged to try tobacco related products without being informed of the dangers to their health (Polley, 2004, 81). The belief was that tobacco ads were aimed at new smokers, and that companies were trying to attract young people towards their brand.This idea is plausible because in order to maintain a strong business over a long period of time, new users must be targeted. Further, there is evidence supporting the fact that current smokers are not likely to be converte d to another brand, making youth targeted advertisements more likely (Polley, 2004, 83). There was pressure to strengthen the advertising restrictions after countless health risks and deaths were attributed to smoking. â€Å"Smoking has been estimated to result in roughly 45,000 deaths annually and is a major cause of respiratory disease, cancer and circulatory disease† (Sen, 2009, 189).A study conducted by the American Journal of Public Health looked at 481 randomly selected tobacco retailers after the product display ban to understand the changes that resulted in tobacco promotion (Cohen et al. , 2011, 1879). Their study revealed that this ban successfully limited the exposure of tobacco products, and demonstrated the importance of a complete ban on retail tobacco displays (Cohen et al. , 2011, 1880). Clearly, limiting advertising exposure to hazardous products such as cigarettes truly limits consumer exposure, and thus promotes the idea of a healthy public.Since these ad r egulations have proved to be a success, it would likely have a very similar effect when applied to alcohol. Ethics is an essential consideration in the world of advertising. Marketers should make responsible decisions, and not just focus on generating profits, because it is legal. â€Å"Ads should address audiences not just as consumers who care about material interests but as citizens who care about social virtues and the public good† (Hove, 2009, 35). The idea of advertising alcoholic beverages is unethical.While there are mild restrictions in Canada regarding alcohol promotions, there is a demand for more. Some provinces run ads that promote responsible drinking, or the dangers of drinking and driving in an attempt to shed light on alcohol abuse (Boone, 2010, 525). However, these attempts do not cancel out the multitude of beer and liquor advertisements in today’s media. Some alcohol advertisements include the ideology that drinking a certain brand of beer will infl uence their social class, or improve their quality of life in some way. This is extremely controversial.An article from the South African Journal of Psychology notes, â€Å"there are no laws against [alcohol] advertisements; however, responsible corporate and professional action, would prevent the use of these advertisements from a social and moral standpoint† (Dubihela & Dubihela, 2011, 209). Clearly, an ethical dilemma is present. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission is one organization that has viewed alcohol advertisements critically. Since 1968 they have required broadcasters to report the number of alcohol related messages broadcasted annually (CRTC, 2011).The messages also must adhere to their Code for Broadcast of Alcoholic Beverages (CRTC, 2011). This code includes provisions to ensure promotions for alcoholic beverages do not encourage non-drinkers or young people to drink or purchase alcohol, imply a certain brand is superior because of a higher alcohol percentage, and that consumption of alcohol enhances enjoyment of an activity (CRTC 2011). These regulations are far more lenient compared to the restrictions on tobacco advertising.Advertising Standards Canada has now gained responsibility to review advertisements concerning alcohol to ensure they are in accordance with the CRTC’s code (Darling, 1996). Moreover, alcohol is just as dangerous to society as tobacco. Statistics Canada shows that alcohol use by drivers was a factor in nearly 30% of motor vehicle related deaths from 2003-2005 (Statistics Canada, 2011). Also, deaths from other alcohol related disorders such as cirrhosis of the liver accounted for over 1400 deaths in 2003 (Statistics Canada, 2009).The most relevant stakeholders in this issue, young people, are severely affected by alcohol use in Canada. In 2011, 13. 2% of Canadian youth ages 12 to 19 fell under the heavy drinker category, that is, consuming 5 or more drinks on one occasion at least o nce a month (Statistics Canada, 2011). Similarly, â€Å"the rate of persons accused of impaired driving offences was highest among young adults between the ages of 19 and 24† (Statistics Canada, 2011). Additionally, 28. 8% of Canadian students admitted to being driven by someone who was legally impaired (Statistics Canada, 2011).Many Canadians support the public opinion that seeks to enforce stricter regulations when it comes to alcohol products. A study from the Drug and Alcohol Review Journal reports that 50. 1% of Canadians agree with prohibiting alcohol advertising (Macdonald et al. , 2011, 653). Similarly, 47. 4% thought the current legal drinking age of nineteen should be increased, and 40. 1% believed taxes on alcoholic beverages should be raised (Macdonald et al. , 2011, 653). These kinds of changes would make alcohol less available or attractive to young adults.The CRTC’s report that outlines the framework for their advertising regulations states, â€Å"parti es argued that excessive alcohol consumption is as dangerous as smoking and, therefore, should be treated in the same way: the consumer should be warned of the dangers associated with abusive consumption† (Darling, 1996). Clearly, encouraging the sale of any product that can cause this kind of harm is morally irresponsible. Evidently, many Canadians believe alcohol is a dangerous substance that should not be easily accessible to young people. Establish an Interpretive ContextThis research is used to establish whether or not a bias exists. The death and disease rate caused by both alcohol and tobacco is examined to prove that hypocrisy is present. Harmful effects caused by the use of alcohol and tobacco is compared to uncover why this imbalance of advertising restriction is unjust. This is not to say that tobacco products should be reintroduced, but that both substances should be eliminated from media advertising altogether. Furthermore, the views of actual Canadians are consid ered because this fosters a public sphere and forms a widespread opinion on the issue.Also taken into account is the amount of time spent with media by Canadians and specifically young people. Statistics that outline hours spent watching television and surfing the web will be considered. The best outcome for this situation is to restrict alcohol advertisements based on the same grounds outlined in the Tobacco Act. Discussion After reviewing the available data, it is clear an unjust bias exists. The position of this discussion remains that alcohol should be eliminated from advertising for the same reasons tobacco is.Tobacco has been restricted from advertising based on major health concerns, and in an attempt to deter youth from smoking. These same properties are present, and even heightened, with alcohol. â€Å"Some parties, including government representatives, stated that anyone involved with the sale of alcoholic beverages should have the opportunity to advertise their productsà ¢â‚¬  (Darling, 1996). Since evidence categorizes both alcohol and tobacco as dangerous substances, both should be treated the same way with regards to advertising.Alcohol has proven to be even more dangerous than tobacco in some cases. The immediate effects are particularly alarming. Consumption of alcohol can alter one’s state of mind, causing negative health effects, accidents and addiction in some cases. The Canadian Public Health Association reports, â€Å"drinking too much alcohol in a short period of time can lead to poor judgment, impulsive behaviour and alcohol poisoning† (CPHA, 2008). Alcohol poisoning can contribute to long-term health problems and even death. Also of concern are the permanent consequences of long term drinking.Serious conditions such as, brain damage, certain cancers, cirrhosis of the liver, and sexual problems are attributed to alcohol abuse (CPHA, 2008). In addition to life threatening illnesses, withdrawal symptoms can also occur when h eavy drinkers suddenly stop consuming alcohol. These symptoms include but are not limited to insomnia, sweating, tremors, and convulsions (CPHA, 2008). Clearly the additive properties of alcohol are similar to tobacco, and should therefore be handled the same way in advertisement laws. Problems with mental health can also be found with alcohol abuse.According to the Canadian Community Health Survey, â€Å"fifteen percent of people who were alcohol-dependent have experienced major depressive episodes† (Tjekpema, 2004). Also, women who consume alcohol while pregnant are of grave concern. Regular alcohol intake during pregnancy can lead to miscarriages, low birth weight, and genital malformations in boys (Damgaard et al. , 2007, 272). â€Å"Children born to women who consume alcohol during pregnancy may exhibit a range of abnormalities and developmental deficits that together are termed fetal alcohol spectrum disorders† (Kobor & Weinberg, 2011, 29).These preventable defec ts are another reason why alcohol should be considered as dangerous as tobacco. Overall, the negative statistics for alcohol are no less alarming than they are for tobacco. In 2011, 10. 1% of 15 to 17 year olds considered themselves smokers (Statistics Canada 2011). This is substantially lower than the 13. 2% of Canadian youth who fall under the category of heavy drinkers, not to mention the 30% of motor vehicle accidents that are alcohol related. These contrasting statistics speak for themselves, and prove the hypocritical nature of only banning tobacco advertising.Alcohol brands use effective marketing strategies that specifically reach a youth audience, the main stakeholder in this issue. Since the ‘young market’ is attractive to advertisers, their ads frequently catch the eye of people aged 15 to 34 (Novak, 2004). Celebrity endorsements are one way marketers attempt to sell their product to young people. Dan Aykroyd, Zak Galifianakis, and Will Ferrell are just a few celebrities who have endorsed popular alcohol brands (Novak, 2004).These people are relevant to Canadian youth, and they may be inclined to purchase the same brand of alcohol as one of their favourite celebrities. Moreover, 20. 1% of males and females ages 18 to 22 claimed to watch 15 or more hours of television per week (Statistics Canada, 2007). This is a large portion of young people who are subject to the dozens of alcohol advertisements broadcast each day. Alcohol advertisements are not limited to radio and television broadcasting. Many brands are turning to the Internet and social media to promote their products. This is problematic.According to a 2009 survey by Statistics Canada, 82. 9% of Canadians ages 34 and younger claimed to use the Internet at lease once a day, and 86% of these users went online for social media purposes (Statistics Canada, 2009). The government should implement restrictions on encouraging the sale of alcohol to a youth audience. They act as a legitima te spokesperson because they look out for citizen’s best interests. The reasoning behind banning tobacco advertising stemmed from the health hazards and dangers associated with smoking, and the same should be true for alcohol.Some parties argue that there is no scientific evidence linking advertising to overconsumption or underage drinking. If this is true, then the same can be said for tobacco products. However, polls taken in 2011 show that tobacco use fell rapidly amongst teenagers 15 to 19 years of age, shortly after the ban was placed (Goldfarb, 2011, 209). If these restrictions were applied to alcohol products, similar results could be expected. This issue fits into the realm of communication theory. As Horkheimer and Adorno proclaim, the direction of society, â€Å"is incarnate in the subjective purposes of company directors.Production is geared primarily towards profit, not towards the satisfaction of human need or use value† (Johnston, lecture, 2012). Advertis ing executives constantly make decisions based purely on profit instead of taking culture into consideration. Their ads are intended to increase sales and attract new customers of any age. This is problematic on a youth audience. These theorists proclaim that the audience has no choice in the matter (Johnston, lecture, 2012). â€Å"If all culture is enmeshed in the capitalist marketplace then all cultural products espouse the ruling ideology† (Johnston, lecture, 2012).This ideology is business. The government needs to intervene in this cycle so that ethics and moral responsibility are taken into consideration, just as they were with the tobacco advertisement ban. Conclusion If tobacco advertising was banned because it was considered wrong to encourage a habit that causes such detrimental effects, should not the same be true for alcohol? This bias is hypocritical because the government deemed it necessary to intervene when it came to tobacco advertising, and alcohol should not be overlooked.Smoking and alcohol consumption take away people’s lives at the height of their productivity (Jiloha, 2012, 65). By keeping these activities out of the media, youth can be deterred from engaging in them. In fact, advertising has profound consequences. Its persuasiveness and lack of information give audiences a false sense of what the product at hand really is (Hove, 2009, 36). Advertising experts should focus their attention on directing youth audiences against dangerous habits such as smoking and drinking, instead of encouraging them through advertising.While there is no scientific link connecting advertising to over consumption of alcohol, the decrease in young smokers as previously mentioned after the tobacco retail display ban gives reason to assume the same could be true for alcohol. If tighter restrictions are put in place to limit promotion of these products, it could help discourage Canadians from underage drinking, or over consumption. The current stat e of applying restrictions only to the tobacco industry is hypocritical when compared to the equally dangerous properties of alcohol. Works Cited Boone, Kurtz, Mackenzie & Snow (2010).Advertising and Public Relations. Contemporary Marketing, Second Canadian Edition. Toronto: Nelson Education. 500-532. Canada’s Public Health Association. How does alcohol affect health? Canada’s Public Health Leader. November 1, 2012 URL: http://www. cpha. ca/en/portals/substance/health/faq01. aspx Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunication Commission. (August 1, 1996). Code for Broadcast Advertising of Alcoholic Beverages. November 2, 2012, URL: http://www. crtc. gc. ca/eng/general/codes/alcohol. htm Damgaard, I. N. , Jensen, T. K. , Petersen, J. H. , Skakkeb? k, N. E. , Toppari, J. Main, K. M. , & The Nordic Cryptorchidism Study, G. (2007). Cryptorchidism and Maternal Alcohol Consumption during Pregnancy. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115(2), 272-277. Dubihlela, J. , & Dubihl ela, D. (2011). Youth attitudes towards advertisements depicting nudity and alcohol: ethical dilemmas in advertising. South African Journal Of Psychology, 41(2), 207-217. Goldfarb, A. , & Tucker, C. (2011). Advertising bans and the substitutability of online and offline advertising. Journal Of Marketing Research, 48(2), 207-227. doi:10. 1509/jmkr. 48. 2. 207 Health Canada. (2011).Tobacco Act. Health Canada. November 1, 2012, URL: http://www. hc-sc. gc. ca/hc-ps/tobac-tabac/legislation/federal/tobac-tabac-eng. php Hove, T. (2009). ADVERTISING, ETHICS, AND THE CITIZEN-CONSUMER. American Academy Of Advertising Conference Proceedings, 35-36. Jiloha, R. C. (2012). Tobacco smoking: How far do the legislative control measures address the problem?. Indian Journal Of Psychiatry, 54(1), 64-68. doi:10. 4103/0019-5545. 94651 Johnston, R. (2012 September). The Public Sphere. Lecture conducted from Brock University, St Catharines, Ontario. Kobor, M. S. , & Weinberg, J. (2011).FOCUS ON: EPIGENETIC S AND FETAL ALCOHOL SPECTRUM DISORDERS. Alcohol Research & Health, 34(1), 29-37. MacDonald, S. , Stockwell, T. , & Luo, J. (2011). The relationship between alcohol problems, perceived risks and attitudes toward alcohol policy in Canada. Drug And Alcohol Review, 30(6), 652-658. doi:10. 1111/j. 1465-3362. 2010. 00259. x Novak, J (2004) Alcohol Promotion and The Marketing Industy. York Univeristy: The Association to Reduce Alcohol Promotion in Ontario. Pollay, R. W. (2004). Considering the Evidence, No Wonder the Court Endorses Canada's Restrictions on Cigarette Advertising.Journal Of Public Policy ; Marketing, 23(1), 80-88. Sen, A. (2009). Estimating the impacts of household behavior on youth smoking: evidence from Ontario, Canada. Review Of Economics Of The Household, 7(2), 189-218. doi:10. 1007/s11150-008-9046-11 Statistics Canada. (2007). Prevalence of and adjusted odds ratios for viewing television 15 or more hours per week, by selected characteristics, household population aged 2 0 years or older. November 1, 2012. URL: http://www. statcan. gc. ca/pub/82-003-x/2008002/article/10600/t/5202428-eng. htm Statistics Canada (2009).Internet use by individuals, by selected frequency of use and age. November 1, 2012. URL: http://www. statcan. gc. ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/comm32a-eng. htm Statistics Canada (2009). Deaths by cause. October 31, 2012. URL: http://www5. statcan. gc. ca/cansim/pick-choisir? lang=eng;p2=33;id=1020525 Statistics Canada. (2011). Heavy Drinking by age group and sex. November 1, 2012. URL: http://www. statcan. gc. ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/health79a-eng. htm Tjepkema, M. (2004). In Alcohol and Illicit Drug Dependence. Statistics Canada, Catalogue 15.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Doing What It Takes essays

Doing What It Takes essays The Life You Save Mat Be Your Own, the story of a drifting man who meets an old woman and her daughter, is a very interesting piece by Flannery OConnor. The old woman, Lucynell Crater and her daughter, also Lucynell Crater, live by themselves, and one day Mr. Shiftlet, the drifter, appears on their front porch. This story tells about how their relationship grows all together and very effectively uses symbolism to explain the characters intentions. Through OConnors symbolism we see what all the characters have in mind and it is shown through their thoughts and actions. Although Lucynell Crater, the mother, and Mr. Shiftlet seem to be very polite and generous, OConnor provides us with a window that helps us see more clearly, the intentions on both Mrs., Craters and Mr. Shiftlets parts. OConnor describes Mr. Shiftlet to be a very nice and generous man, looking for a place to stay in return for his work. His actions, for the most part, show us his good intentions and lead us to believe that he is a good person. Yet, while his actions mostly portray good aspects, OConnor uses symbolism to sneak in the true meaning behind Mr. Shiftlet. His left coat sleeve was folded up to show there was only half an arm in it and his gaunt figure listed slightly to the side as if the breeze were pushing him. (OConnor 47) OConnor uses his disability to show us that he isnt normal. Normal people have two arms and Mr. Shiftlet did not, so something is wrong with him. He isnt normal. ...there aint a broken thing on this plantation that I couldnt fix for you, one-arm jackleg or not. Im a man, he said with a sullen dignity, even if I aint a whole one. (OConnor 53) We see here that Mr. Shiftlet is capable of doing normal things so this leads me to ...

Monday, October 21, 2019


Unbeknownst Unbeknownst Unbeknownst By Maeve Maddox A British reader questions what he sees as a recent use of unbeknownst: Curious about the current (British/Irish English only?) replacement of unknown to him by unbeknown/unbeknownst to him (university students work attests to it in yoof-speak, and BBC documentaries to it in them elder lemons what should beknow better). Is this also creeping into American English? Partial paraphrase of the reader’s comment: The writing of university students offers evidence that â€Å"unbeknownst to him† is current in youth slang, and the phrase occurs in BBC documentaries written by old-timers who should know better than to use it. Although some speakers feel that unbeknownst â€Å"sounds medieval,† it is a fairly recent coinage, although not as recent as the reader seems to think: it dates from the 19th century. The first OED citation is from a letter written by novelist Mrs. Gaskell: You dont see me, but I often am sitting in the rocking-chair unbeknownst to you. (1848) The phrase â€Å"unbeknown to,† on the other hand, is documented as early as 1636. How the -st became attached to the word is- well- unknown. A Google search indicates that the phrases â€Å"unbeknown to him† and â€Å"unbeknownst to him† are in use, but they rank far behind the more conventional â€Å"unknown to him†: 1. â€Å"unbeknown to him† About 151,000 results   2. â€Å"unbeknownst to him† About 391,000 results   3. â€Å"unknown to him† About 12,800,000 results On the Ngram Viewer, Number One does not even show; Number Two makes a slight showing, and Number Three shows a marked decline in 1900, but remains well ahead of â€Å"unbeknownst to him.† As for the phrase’s â€Å"creeping into American English,† it did that eighty-four years after Mrs. Gaskell used it- in Light in August by William Faulkner: â€Å"Interfering with his work unbeknownst to him.† The use of unbeknownst in modern English is probably best described as â€Å"jocular† or â€Å"colloquial,† although it can be found in professional contexts: Description of a car accident, NBC News Unbeknownst to the first people who tried to help the victim of the crash, an adult male, the water was electrified. Report of an experiment, Chicago Booth, publication of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business Unbeknownst to them, the first part of the experiment served simply to expose them, in the form of a celebrity-trivia quiz, to pictures of high-profile, successful individuals. Article about deception, Wired. Unbeknownst to the subject, the boy is wearing a radio receiver in his ear, and every word he says is transmitted to him by a 37-year-old university professor sitting in a nearby room. Article about stress of modern life, The New Republic Unbeknownst to her at the time, a shooting had occurred the previous day in the same neighborhood.   Feature about racism among children, PBS Frontline Unbeknownst to his parents, he had started a blog, which they only learned about when another parent called to warn them. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Good At, Good In, and Good WithWork of Art TitlesEnglish Grammar 101: Prepositions

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Quick Guide to Balanced Scorecards

A Quick Guide to Balanced Scorecards Here is an overview of a BSC (balanced scorecards) management tool, its advantages and disadvantages. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a popular strategic management tool developed in 1992 by Robert Kaplan and David Norton to answer what the two researchers saw as a shortcoming in existing strategic planning methods: A way to connect the long-term objectives of a business to short-term performance measures, particularly financial indicators. The problem is easy enough to understand; a company’s overall goals, usually expressed in its Mission Vision Statement, are often somewhat abstract and difficult to express in terms of the day-to-day (or month-to-month, or year-to-year) activities and processes of the organization – it may not be clear to the people in the organization exactly how their work tasks at this moment are steps towards the company’s greater objectives, a bit of confusion that can create problems for maintaining productivity and motivation. The BSC is a way to â€Å"provide a roadmap† showing how to present activities lead to future objectives, and if used correctly, the tool can be very effective. If you have any questions our writers will gladly help you! STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT TOOLS PART 1 Background of the BSC The Fundamental Ideas Behind It Kaplan and Norton first introduced the Balanced Scorecard in an article in the Harvard Business Review in 1992 (â€Å"The Balanced Scorecard – Measures That Drive Performance†, HBR January-February 1992), in which they explained that any firm has four key perspectives from which it should consider its strategy: Financial, Customers, Internal Processes, and Learning and Growth. The firm needs to make money, and for that it needs customers; customers’ needs are served by the output of the firm’s internal processes, and in order to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage, the firm must learn and improve over time. Consequently, the BSC begins with a firm asking itself four important questions: What is our value to our shareholders? (the financial perspective) What is our value to our customers? (the customer perspective) In order to provide the value to our shareholders and customers, in what must we excel? (the internal processes perspective) How do we sustain our advantages and continue to improve? (the learning and growth perspective) The answer to each of these four questions has four parts: A relevant objective or objectives; the measures of performance that appropriately assess progress towards those objectives; the specific target value of the performance measures that would signify the objectives’ having been successfully achieved; and the specific processes or activities that must be done in order to achieve them. In form, the Balanced Scorecard is a four-sided matrix, with the firm’s vision and competitive strategy at its center: The Balanced Scorecard (Source: Kaplan Norton, â€Å"Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System†, HBR, January-February 1996) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP Advantages of the BSC The first advantage of the BSC is that it forces firms to quantify their goals. Aspirations expressed in a Mission Vision Statement such as â€Å"being an empowered organization† is a platitude without some explanation of what â€Å"an empowered organization† is, and how, exactly, the organization can become â€Å"empowered†. Or for that matter, whether or not being â€Å"empowered† actually has anything to do with effectively meeting stakeholders’ and customers’ needs, maintaining sound internal processes to achieve those, and improving the organization to maintain a competitive edge. The second advantage of the BSC is that its format makes it easy to see how all of the strategic management perspectives relate to one another. Conflicts between objectives in different areas are immediately apparent and can be corrected. Perhaps the biggest advantage of the BSC is its versatility. Although it was designed for application in business management settings, the basic template can be applied to almost any initiative or organization. By slightly modifying the four key perspectives, the BSC can even be applied to specific areas of the organization and even to individuals. In fact, there is some research that suggests that the BSC is gaining, even more, use as a performance management and assessment tool in HRM applications than as a firm-level strategic planning tool. Disadvantages of the BSC Like many other strategic management tools, the BSC has one unavoidable potential handicap in that it is only as good as the quality of the information put into it. The tool suffers from the same risk as the SWOT analysis called SWAG (Scientific Wild-Ass Guess) by Oxford’s Professor Malcolm McDonald; the importance of objectives and other factors may be over- or underestimated or overlooked entirely, which leads to the BSC returning poor results because the right information is not actually included. Another problem that can make the BSC less effective than expected is that by design, it gives equal weight to all four of the key perspectives, while in actual practice, many organizations might need to give greater weight to one or another. For example, a non-profit organization would likely have very strong customer perspectives and a lesser focus on financial outcomes; without adjusting the BSC to reflect its priorities, the organization might end up actually hindering its efforts towards achieving its goals. And finally, the results of some empirical research on the effectiveness of the BSC suggests that just as with most strategic management tools, its performance in real-world applications falls a little short of the academic hype. A fairly recent broad study of strategic management tool use and effectiveness found that the BSC tends to work better for larger and more complex firms than for smaller ones, and that the alignment of strategy and performance is perceived to be better among firms that use the BSC in combination with other strategic planning and assessment tools than among firms using the BSC by itself (E.Tapinos, R.G. Dyson M. Meadows, â€Å"Does the Balanced Scorecard make a difference to the strategy development process?† Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 62, no. 5, 2011). One reason for this may be that, contrary to the assertions of Kaplan and Norton, the BSC is not actually designed to develop organizational strategy; the firm’s vision an d strategy must necessarily exist beforehand in order for the BSC to work as designed, meaning that the BSC is the best thought of as a performance management and operational planning tool (hence its popularity in HRM practice), rather than a strategic development tool. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT TOOLS PART 2 Whatever project you are working on, be assured you have a  reliable team  of writers  to work with. You can place your order here!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Pharmacy & Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pharmacy & Technology - Essay Example The drugs allow us to live healthier and more productive lives. However, they can also have negative side-effects if they are not taken correctly. Indeed, some drug regimes are very complex and can require the consumption of as many as a dozen different pills several times a day. The level of complexity is so high that many people need professional advice. This is where pharmacists come into the picture. These people study many years and must be very clever to reach the position they are in. However, there is another essential element that pharmacists must possess: intuition. Intuition is a fundamentally human trait. It allows people to make assumptions and come up with ideas that go outside of the box. It allows a pharmacist to suspect that someone may be faking an illness in order to score free drugs. It also allows a pharmacist to anticipate a problem a patient may have with the drug regime they are on. In other words, dispensing drugs is not something a machine can do. In todays world technology has made so many things more easily. In car factories, robots assemble large portions of each car and they do it very well. In marking lots, machines take our money and dispense tickets and let us in and out of the parking lot. All of these things provide a lot of convenience in our every day lives. Of course, we always want to make our lives more and more convenient. That said, there must be a limit. Should we replace our school bus drivers with robots? Most people would disagree. Should we replace our doctors? No. The majority of people believe that there are some services and functions in our society that should be performed by people because only a person has the intuition and judgement to deal with complex and human situations. Does that mean that a human doctor or pharmacist will always get it right? No, but they will be better equipped to deal with such

Subsidies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Subsidies - Research Paper Example It will investigate whether the tax system serves as a subsidy to the sector or not. In Pakistan there are a large number of cafes and restaurants that apply charges on the Bills. Sometimes the rates of these charges are really high which makes it difficult for the common middle class man to have a meal in such restaurants. The study will try to explore whether this tax system is making a division in the class or not and is promoting a society which supports a class system or not. One of the major reasons for investigating this area is that Pakistan is a third world country with a majority of people in the middle class. There still exist a large numbers of places where only rich people reside. These places are the ones that apply huge tax rate on the bills. The study will investigate the correlation between tax and class;whether higher tax invites higher class. Studying the tax structure has been the interest of all countries as it is linked to the development of the country. Bargain et al, (2011)reports the progressive nature of the tax structure by saying‘The tax structure in almost all the countriesis progressive’. This progressive nature of tax structures has a lot of advantages and disadvantages. Chaudhri (1965) in the research article ‘Taxation in Pakistan: A Critical Appraisal’ state the disadvantages of tax system by saying that ‘whatever money is collected is looted by the rulers or spent on unnecessary luxury items’. Qualitative research methodology will be applied because it will answer ‘how’, ‘what’, ‘why’ questions. For example, what are the benefits of tax system?Why tax system is applied? How tax system benefits the industry? etc. The research will also employ Quantitative research methodology because a set of interviews and questionnaires will be prepared. These interviews and questionnaires will cover the views of the owners of different cafes and restaurants. The results will be based on their responses and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Intro to MacroEcon - College level - 8 questions total - some Essay

Intro to MacroEcon - College level - 8 questions total - some paragraph-long answers and some graphs - Essay Example Essentially the Fed tries to moderate the natural effects of the business cycle. It looks to cool rapid expansion to control prices and moderate the resulting downturn. When the economy is contracting or not expanding sufficiently they look to increase economic activity thereby helping the economy maintain full employment. The main tool the Fed has is to modify short term interest rates through open market activities. These actions are undertaken by the Federal Open Market Committee which sets the federal funds rate. The Fed also makes loans through the discount window these loans increase the money supply. Loans taken through the discount window are taken at a rate below the federal funds rate. Though less often employed, the Fed can also modify the required reserve ratio. This is the amount of funds that banks are required to keep in their vaults compared to the amount loaned out. Increasing the reserve ratio has the effect of pulling money out of the system. Decreasing the reserve ratio has the effect of increasing the amount of money in the system. 3B) I agree with Bernanke’s remarks and logic on the state of the economy as well as the necessity of using unconventional monetary policy. I do have concerns that longer term policy may be more difficult to back out of once implemented. The continued high unemployment rate as well as low levels of growth merit additional monetary measures like those employed by the Fed. Core inflation remains low so expansionary policies do not yet risk triggering excessive inflation. To fulfill its mandate the Fed should look to tools such as moderating medium term interest rates. While controversial it reinforces expectations of a low interest rate environment in the short term. 4A) The economy does not have sufficient private sector demand to sustain economic growth at the levels needed to recover to the

Culture and communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Culture and communication - Essay Example Then I must make sure I view patients as individuals rather than members of a particular category. Considering the patient’s perspective in an empathic way is vital, especially when they make non-verbal expressions, which I must be careful not to miss or ignore. Lastly, forming a partnership with the patient will reassure them that we are working together towards one end, standing us together, rather than on either side of a gulf. This promotes trust and understanding. 2. First impressions last longest: Matthew said he hopes to improve his expression and tone to reflect a more caring attitude, seeking to comfort and soothe the patient. This is very good, because patients place a lot of trust and hope in a medical practitioner, so it should not be left to chance or personality. However, training in aspects of cultural competency, and in avoiding unconsciously categorizing patients (Medscape CME 2008), is something I must address as critical, in addition to appropriate bedside manner. A patient should feel on a level standing with all others, and feel that I can empathize and consider their individual circumstances and preferences. Experience will help me gauge facial and other non-verbal messages to accurately decipher a patient’s preference, fears, choices and inclinations. This means I must look inside myself and discover more about how I regard members of our culturally-diverse

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Running Water and Ground Water Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Running Water and Ground Water - Essay Example Rains maintain a balance through which water is maintained in the fresh water resources. Running water is the water that is present in the streams. It runs down due to the force of gravity. Groundwater is the water that seeps down from the surface and gathers under the surface in an aquifer or underground reservoir. It rains on mountains quite often, the water from the rain rushes down the mountains due to the force of gravity. At first stage, small streams are formed that combine together to make a bigger stream, streams connect together to form a river. The water in the streams and rivers is called running water. In the similar manner, due to change in temperature from winter to summer, the snow on mountains melt into water. The water rushes down the mountain due to the force of gravity. Running water has high oxygen level and most of the needs are satisfied with the help of running water. Running water is also utilized to generate energy. In olden days, the force of running water was utilized to crush wheat cornels (Hynes, 1983). Ground water is the type of water that seeps down into the surface and settles down in an aquifer or underground reservoir. This water is also the rain water but due to saturation of ground the seeps down to the aquifer. As the quantity of water above the surface decreases, the quantity of water undergrad also decreases. However, annual rains and snowfalls replenish the underground water through the saturated grounds. Wells lie directly over the aquifers. Underground aquifers are good in holding water for longer periods as compared to the above ground water resources. There is no evaporation of water from the underground aquifers. However, little water that comes to the surface due to capillary effect evaporates form the surface (Hynes, 1983). Aquifer is an underground soil or group of rock that allow the underground water to pass through them and move according

Dances with Wolves (1990) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dances with Wolves (1990) - Essay Example The story tells that the most remarkable aspect of this movie has been that the director has aesthetically explored the emotional facets of a co-culture, the Lakota culture. The writer has stimulated, without using preachy techniques, compassion and thoughtful consideration of this culture. There are some small scenes that bring forward the human sensitivities that are inherent in Lakota culture. There was a scene where the tribe’s medicine man, Kicking Bird, and his wife were lying on the bed and viewers could sense anxiety and uncertainty in his expression. It was then shown that Kicking Bird pulled out one of his children’s dolls on which he had lain upon. This small and seemingly insignificant scene exposes to the viewers that parental feelings that common people experience in their lives are also present in a profound sense within the Lakota culture. With scenes like this, the director has successfully managed to portray the human side of this culture and such scen es have demonstrated that humanity is a common element inherent to all people regardless of their caste and community. The movie has managed to convey the message that the tendency of one culture to see the other cultures as inferior. In conclusion, a solution to multicultural conflicts can come from an understanding of the cultural perceptions of the other culture. This is the ultimate message of this movie. John gets accepted by the Lakota Indians as a respected guest only when he learns their language, and with an open heart acknowledges their lifestyle and customs.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Running Water and Ground Water Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Running Water and Ground Water - Essay Example Rains maintain a balance through which water is maintained in the fresh water resources. Running water is the water that is present in the streams. It runs down due to the force of gravity. Groundwater is the water that seeps down from the surface and gathers under the surface in an aquifer or underground reservoir. It rains on mountains quite often, the water from the rain rushes down the mountains due to the force of gravity. At first stage, small streams are formed that combine together to make a bigger stream, streams connect together to form a river. The water in the streams and rivers is called running water. In the similar manner, due to change in temperature from winter to summer, the snow on mountains melt into water. The water rushes down the mountain due to the force of gravity. Running water has high oxygen level and most of the needs are satisfied with the help of running water. Running water is also utilized to generate energy. In olden days, the force of running water was utilized to crush wheat cornels (Hynes, 1983). Ground water is the type of water that seeps down into the surface and settles down in an aquifer or underground reservoir. This water is also the rain water but due to saturation of ground the seeps down to the aquifer. As the quantity of water above the surface decreases, the quantity of water undergrad also decreases. However, annual rains and snowfalls replenish the underground water through the saturated grounds. Wells lie directly over the aquifers. Underground aquifers are good in holding water for longer periods as compared to the above ground water resources. There is no evaporation of water from the underground aquifers. However, little water that comes to the surface due to capillary effect evaporates form the surface (Hynes, 1983). Aquifer is an underground soil or group of rock that allow the underground water to pass through them and move according

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Sport Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sport Education - Essay Example Individuals do not exist in a nutshell; they interact, relate, and behave in specific manners which eventually affect their health. The schools’ curriculum should include subjects which promote health and physical education through sports to enforce correct behavioral patterns at a young age and continue this positive reinforcement until adulthood. Therefore, health promotion and physical education in the schools through sport education is of critical importance. The objective of this research paper is to consider the potential barriers to fully implementing the sport education framework into the delivery of physical education (PE) in the UK, making particular reference to one’s school sport experiences. Physical education is a mandatory course promoting physical activity and sports mostly from grades 1 to 6. The objectives of physical education classes are teaching to ensure physical fitness, promoting regular exercises, and presenting nutrition and health subjects. In some traditional schools, however, physical education incorporates sports only as a minor endeavor with limited sports skills being honed. In this regard, Daryl Siedentop conceived the incorporation of sports education in Ohio State University’s curriculum with the purpose of educating children â€Å"in the fullest sense, and to help develop competent, literate, and enthusiastic sportspeople (Siedentop, 1994, 4)† (Penney, Clarke, Quill & Kinchin, 2005, 5). The objective of SE is that â€Å"students will be supported in developing the skills, knowledge and understanding to progress their own and others learning, their participation in physical activity and sport, and their enjoyment of it, within and outside of the physical education curriculum. Finally, Sport Education endeavours to locate learning experiences and participation in physical activity and sport in the wider social,

Monday, October 14, 2019

Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Essay Example for Free

Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Essay The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas presents ideas about World War 2 and the holocaust. The movie shows what fear and Punishment and the innocence of childhood would have been like during WW2 and the holocaust. During World War 2 and the holocaust, fear within the Jewish race was created by the soldiers. Soldiers had the power and right to abuse and attack the Jewish people â€Å"when it pleased them. † Under Hitler, the soldiers had the next amount of ultimate power and used it to their advantage to pressure the Jewish people under the influence that if they misbehave they will be punished. In the movie ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ this fear is seen when Lieutenant Kotler walks into the dining room and sees Schmuel eating a pastry and Bruno talking to him. The Lieutenant is shot from a low camera angle to show his power and strength. Schmuel and Brunos eyes widen and jagged breaths escape from their mouths as the soldier interrogates them with his strong, stern voice about the pastry and the talking that was occurring, Because of the fear with which the lieutenant filled the boys, Bruno lies to Lieutenant Kotler because he is afraid of what will happen. He betrays his only friend and Schmuel is the one who gets the beating for it. Fear is also shown in the film when Bruno’s mother discovers the true information of what it happening a few hundred metres from her home. She confronts her husband and is stricken with fear for what is happening to the Jewish race, she cowers in the corner in a foetal position as her husband come close to support her and explain himself. The camera is above her, which show how small and insignificant she is and how large and fearful her husband can be. The fear created and explored in the movie The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas displays what it would have been like for the Jewish race during World War 2 and the Holocaust. The holocaust and World War 2 was a time of punishment and pain for the Jewish race. The Jewish race was punished for not fitting into Hitler’s idea of a â€Å"perfect race. † Punishment wasn’t just for those who did something wrong. A Jew could be punished for looking at a guard the wrong way or making a small error that would be considered insignificant in any other situation. Punishments could vary from a beating, to a bashing to the death chamber. In the movie ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ punishment on a Jew is seen when Lieutenant Kotler bumps the servant Pavel while he is pouring red wine. It’s not Pavel’s fault but because he is Jewish he is be blamed for the soldier’s mistakes. The Lieutenant drags the servant into the hall way and begins to bash him while the family are in the next room eating in silence, listening to the punishment that Pavel is enduring. Another Example of Punishment in ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ is when Lieutenant Kotler find Schmuel and Bruno talking in the dining room. The Lieutenant see’s Schmuel eating a pastry a questions the boys. When he finds Schmuel ‘guilty’ of stealing food he is taken away. The next day when Bruno goes on his adventure to the camp the audience can see that Schmuel has been punished for his actions. Schmuel is shown to have had a beating and as a result he has a swollen eye with cuts and bruises all over his body. The Punishment that seen throughout â€Å"The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas† displays what it would have been like during the holocaust and World War 2 for the Jewish race. During World War 2 and the Holocaust children were put through a living nightmare, being exposed to killings, torture and punishment for something unknown to their innocent minds. Children were not in the know, being put through a hell of a time and not being able to understand how they are different to their best friends of another race. The Innocence of a childhood is displayed in the ‘Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ when the commandant and his soldiers are in the office watching the propaganda film created to persuade and demonstrate to the rest of the world that they are treating Jews with ‘excellent’ living conditions and an ‘average’ and ‘happy’ lifestyle. When Bruno peeks in on the propaganda film, he is placed under the belief that where his friend Schmuel is living is a happy place with play areas, a cafe with excellent food and time is lost with all the ‘fun and games’ that they provide. When Bruno makes the decision to cross the electric fence and help his friend Schmuel who has lost his father, he discovers that the film he watched was actually a lie and doesn’t understand why everyone is so sad and the area is constantly monitored by armed soldiers. Bruno is unaware of the situation and becomes scared and wishes to go home. In this time he discovers that everything he saw in the movie is a lie, the cafe, the play areas, the giggling children. Within â€Å"The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas† the innocence of a childhood is displayed by the propaganda film which inflicts the belief of a lie onto an innocent child who doesn’t understand the ways of the real world and his surroundings, this demonstrates how a childhood was influenced by lies during the Holocaust and World War 2. The movie â€Å"The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas† displays the previous ideas of how fear, punishment and the innocence of a childhood creates a scene which demonstrate what World War 2 and the Holocaust would have been like for The Jewish race, soldiers, innocent children and the surrounding onlookers to the War that was taking place.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Tragedy of Isolation Exposed in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men :: Steinbeck Of Mice and Men Essays

The Tragedy of Isolation Exposed in Of Mice and Men  Ã‚   The Great Depression of the 1930's was a tumultuous time. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes and means of unemployment. Whole families would roam the country, desperate for food and a place to rest, struggling to survive. There were also many men who tramped across America alone, searching for menial jobs to keep them alive another month. John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men details the lives of several such men and shows that the principle quest of so many was not money or things that money can buy. Rather, whether they were travelling from one job to another or employed in some capacity, the vast majority of the wandering laborers were searching for human companionship and reassurance that they were not alone to fend for themselves- something very few of them actually found. It was not merely the migrant workers who felt detached form the world- even the boss's son Curley was manifestly desperate for real companionship. Curley's biggest obstacle was himself, as he possessed simultaneously an enormous ego and very little self-esteem. As the son of the owner of a large ranch, Curley had considerable power over the men who worked there, and he chose to abuse that power rather that try to befriend those who were beneath him. Unable to realize that constantly picking fights would do little to combat his loneliness, Curley pounced upon everyone who looked at him funny as an excuse to vent his frustration at being friendless and hated. He could not love his wife because that would mean breaking down the barrier of pride he had constructed, and so he perpetuated the cycle of loneliness both in himself and others. And what of Curley's wife? Nameless, she epitomizes the wife displayed as a trophy by a status-conscious husband, whether he is a prominent politician, a millionaire, or the son of a ranch owner. It is tragic that two individuals so alone in the world could be thrown together by fate and succeed only in strengthening each others' isolation, and that is often the case. Curley lived his life picking fights or discussing future ones, while his wife, desperate for meaningful attention, flirts with all the ranch hands. She sought out Lennie and the others in Crooks's room for conversation in desperation, hoping for companionship yet dooming it from the start by her arrogance and unwillingness to concede that, to be truly happy, she must bend a little.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Stephen Crane and Walt Whitman: The Natural and the Language of Social

Stephen Crane and Walt Whitman: The Natural and the Language of Social Protest      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Though in his short life Stephen Crane was never a soldier, his novel The Red Badge of Courage was commended by Civil War veterans as well as veterans from more recent wars not only for its historical accuracy but its ability to capture the psychological evolution of those on the field of battle (Heizberg xvi). Walt Whitman, on the other hand, served as a field medic during the Civil War. He was exposed perhaps to the most gruesome aspect of the war on a daily basis: the primitive medical techniques, the wounded, the diseased, the dying and the dead. Out of his experiences grew a collection of poems, "Drum Taps" , describing the horrors he had witnessed and that America suffered. As literary artists, a wide chasm of structure and style separates Crane and Whitman. The common cultural experience, the heritage of the Civil War connects them, throwing a bridge across the darkness, allowing them, unilaterally, to dispel notions of glorious battles and heroic honorable de aths. By examining Crane's Henry Fleming and the wound dresser from 'Whitman's poem of the same name, both fundamental literary differences and essential thematic consistencies emerge.    In The Red Badge of Courage, Henry Fleming was drawn to enlist by his boyhood dreams. His highly romanticized notion of war was eclectic, borrowing from various classical and medieval sources. Nevertheless, his exalted, almost deified, conception of the life of a soldier at rest and in combat began to deflate before the even the ink had dried on his enlistment signature. Soon the army ceased to possess any personal characteristics Henry had once envisioned, becoming an unthinking, dispas... ...  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Eds. New York: W.W. Norton, 1962. Hartwick, Harry. The Foreground of American Fiction. New York: American Book Co, 1934, p. 17-44 Rpt in Crane,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Stephen. The Red Badge of Courage. Sculley Bradley, Richard Beatty, and E. Hudson Long Eds. New York: W.W. Norton, 1962. Schroeder, John W. "Stephen Crane Embattled," University of Kansas City Review, XVII (Winter 1950), 119 Rpt. in   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Crane, Stephen. The Red Badge of Courage. Sculley Bradley, Richard Beatty, and E. Hudson Long Eds. New York: W.W. Norton, 1962. Walcutt, C.C. American Literary Naturalism, A Divided Stream. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1952, p.66-82 Rpt in Crane, Stephen. The Red Badge of Courage. Sculley Bradley, Richard Beatty, and E. Hudson Long Eds. New York: W.W. Norton, 1962. Whitman, Walt. Leaves of Grass. New York: Bantam Books, 1983.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Physical Education in School Essay

In the last ten years, our culture has changes dramatically. Our nation was once a physically active nation, yet now it seems that society discourages physical activity. Everyone knows that physical fitness is important to his or her health. Physical education helps students improve their knowledge about health issues and practices that will lead to a more enjoyable life. Some schools do not require students to participate in physical education classes, but it is important for young kids to stay physically active. The rise of obesity in young children has become a growing concern in America. Physical education should be required every year for all public school students. Some students are physically unable to participate in physical education. I agree that if a student has a note from their doctor that it is fine for them not to participate. All the others should be required to participate though. Their involvement in physical education teaches them about lifelong fitness. While I attended grade school, physical education helped play a valuable role in my life. I became involved in several different sports because of participation in physical education classes. During school we played football games during physical education. In addition, we learned some of the basics of baseball and softball. I played football and baseball for years because of my involvement in physical education classes. After graduation, I still kept the same habits from grade school, by continuing to stay physically active. I participate in softball tournaments occasionally to keep myself in shape. In addition, I try to lift weights four or five days a week. Read more:Â  Physical Education Essay Students who do not participate in physical education more than likely will not be physically active as adults. By not teaching children about physical education, it almost certainly adds to the problem. Some students do not want to participate in physical education because they are worried about sustaining injuries. Their argument is children participating in physical activity are at a higher risk of injury than those who are in academic classes. By not being physically active, a student is at greater risk for sustaining an injury. It is important to stretch and warm up before starting any work out. Students learn this from their participation in physical education class. Stretching helps in developing overall flexibility, particularly in the spine, shoulder, and hip areas. The kind of stretching depends on the type of activity a person plans to engage in. For instance, if one is about to play sports, the recommended kind of stretching would be the ones that mimics the movements of the activity the student engages in. Warming up also helps to avoid injury. To warm up start at a gentle pace, and then slowly increase the pace until the heart rate increases and the body temperature rises. Warming up also helps to loosen up muscles and jump-starts the fluids in the joints. If a student is not required to participate in gym class, they may not be aware of warming up to prevent them from sustaining injuries if they decide to start a workout regimen or any kind of physical activity. Obesity is becoming a concern among young kids now. The Southeast now has a new name. Instead of the Sun Belt, some call the Southeast the diabetes belt. Almost every time I turn on the news there is a story about the rising epidemic of obesity. With teenage obesity as prevalent as it is, it is imperative that physical education classes be mandatory at all grade levels nationwide. The amount of obese youth has steadily risen in the last twenty years. It is an obvious fact that physical education classes, when made mandatory, would help improve the physical health of the youth across America. It is important for the student to learn how to keep ones self in proper physical condition. In addition, by making physical education mandatory for all schools nationwide it will help make the students realize how important it is to stay physically active. Obesity also leads to hypertension, sleep apnea, diabetes, asthma, and many other serious problems. Physical education classes can help to reduce the chances for those problems, but there are other steps to take. Exercise is important, but diet is also a major factor in health. Eating healthy foods and exercising will make students be much healthier. In conclusion, all schools should make it mandatory for students to have physical education classes every year. Our society is becoming unhealthier every year because of students lack of exercise. They need to be educated in physical fitness. They can achieve this by participating in physical education classes, learning how to warm up, stretch, and exercise. Obesity is growing in our population every year. Everyone should participate in physical education classes to learn about, and prevent obesity. If we continue with the lack of physical education in schools, we will continue to contribute to the poor health of students.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Plastic Surgery in South Korea

Sociology group presentation: Plastic surgery * Plastic surgery is becoming one of the popular ways to change one’s physical appearance in South Korea. * People in Korea believe that looking good can change their lives. * 40% of the people in Korea think that they failed the interview are because they do not look beautiful. * 70% want to change their social status through plastic surgery. Reasons: * Influence of social media: Celebrities have perfect looking.This brings impact on people’ s The body modification I am going to talk about is plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is popular in today’s society, especially in South Korea. Most people do not consider themselves pretty. In a survey, 40% of the people who failed in the job interview think that they failed the interview is because they do not look pretty, and they want to change their social status from changing their appearance.And the first option they will choose is plastic surgery. Korea is a very competiti ve society. People are super competitive about their physical appearance. The social media in Korea is over exadragged, Why is Korea so competitive about appearance: in social media, the actor/actress appear to be so pretty and handsome, and they have higher social status based on how they look, so this had given a hint for people in Korea that how you look is important than what you know.This article had talked about that how high school kids think about the importance of plastic surgery. It was taken place is urban area and rural area to see the modernization’s impact on people’s idea toward plastic surgery. Media has very significant influence on people’s thoughts about their appearance. They believed that looking good is very important for employment and to succeed in life.

Challenging Obstacle

Ray Pyle November 18, 2012 Essay #5 College Entry Essay 9:40-Sect. 46; 11:10-Sect. 69 Most Challenging Obstacle: The Death of My Father Most people would say that high school and resisting peer pressure would be the most difficult task that they have ever faced. Well the most challenging obstacle that I had to overcome was the death of my father. My life was turned upside down when it all happened. It greatly impacted me on a physical and mental level. Luckily this challenge taught me to cherish life. It even brought me closer to God and to understand that he has a plan for all of us.It pushed me to become more determined and motivated in any activity I partake in. Our family is much closer now then we were before. His death opened my eyes and my mind to accept the idea that you must live life to the fullest. Not only did it teach me to live life but it showed me how to be confident, strong, respectable to everyone and everything, and how to appreciate the little things in life. This would definitely be the hardest obstacle that I ever had to face in my life. Ever since that faithful day my views on life have changed dramatically. Now I have become more an optimistic individual.Yes, I am more optimistic because now I see the true beauty of the world that I always overlooked. When I see pictures of nature it releases a feeling of sanctity or even solace. I don’t take life for granted anymore, now I strongly believe that every life is precious even the pesky bugs. His leaving revealed that instead of rushing life I should stop every once in a while and take a gander at nature. Like a moment to soak it all in and embrace the true beauty that so much people fail to see. Now I live in the moment instead of worrying what the future brings.This ordeal has brought me a lot more near to God. In my prayers I learned that God needed him and that my father had fulfilled his purpose. I know it sound cliche but it is the truth and no one can tell me differently. Inste ad of resorting to drug I turned to God and he helped me through the pain. In a way God has taken the role of a fatherly figure and I am grateful. I go to church more often and I feel more alive and refreshed. This trial has shown me the love that God has to offer and how he will take care of you when your love ones are gone.God has become an important factor in my life after my dad died. My determination is at the highest point it could be. I have this motivation to strive to become the best I can. I do these things to make my father proud and to honor his legacy. To be honest, if my father was alive today I wouldn’t have fathom the idea of taking Advanced Placement courses. I would have relied on my dad to do everything for me including finding and paying for my college. Now I can proudly say that with this newfound determination I can succeed on my own.For once in my life I am actually studying and pushing myself to the limit on how much I can learn and retain. I was able to turn such a negative situation into a positive by using it to fuel my dreams. When all was finished this traumatic event created a feeling of togetherness. Our family became tighter and closer together. Now we set up family nights where it would either be Mexican night meaning we make Mexican dishes or game night where we battle it out on the Wii. On certain Saturday’s we all would go out to any restaurant mostly Chili’s and sit-down and talk about how our week was.In a sense we come together and evaluate our week and sometimes we even reminisce about him. It is better to remember the good times than to remember what happened that cold December night. His death brought our family together and taught individual to enjoy the times we have left on Earth because you never know when it is your time. The experience I gained was how to be confident in everything I do. I learned how to be strong in times of great distress. I now have the utmost respect for every living thin g. Also, his death allowed me to see how important life is and how we must make the most of it.You always live like it is you last day and always be willing to aid those in need. My father passing away gave me lesson that I hope to pass onto my children. Seeing my father go would have to be the hardest thing that I ever had to overcome. Thanks to God I am standing here stronger than ever. Instead of using this as an excuse I am using this as fuel to empower me. This situation has impacted me physical and mental but I won’t ever let it hold me down. In my heart I know that my father will never accept less so I will aim for the highest peak and ride it out to the end.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Innovation - Essay Example (Thompon, 88-119) "The role of innovation i to provide new and alternative way of addreing common and recurrent challenge. Within the governance paradigm, which i itelf multi-faceted, innovative ytem and olution do not appear in predictable form. Innovation i more commonly aociated with reearch and development intitution, and buine development unit in the private ector, than it are with the public ector". The competitive challenge for the future caue low-cot producer and low-cot innovator. A we al know innovation i putting new idea into practice and achieving commercial ucce with them. It contain efficient idea that lead to brand new product or ervice like a new flu drug or mobile phone and efficient idea which improve the way thing happen. Innovation i not jut about new technology, it i about new idea. New idea can improve all apect of the way in which firm work uch a ervice giving, financial management and manufacturing procee. In that ene there are many innovative factor which improve the operation of firm, intitution and ociety. An organization' effort in innovation hould be integrated and form a trong foundation to build. There are many innovative firm which are managing technology and exhibiting growth in area uch a information technology and biotechnology and many other ector. The previou appreciation of innovation which baed on the concept of reearch and development and trading of new product and implementing new technologie, i not ufficient now. A wider definition and identification of innovation for any kind of organization i needed, it had better to know about the contribution of ervice and information baed indutrie to the economy. (Thompon, 88-119) Innovation reult not only from the application of Reearch and Development activitie but alo meeting and fulfilling cutomer demand, problem-olving and adapting to the

Monday, October 7, 2019

Professional and Strategic Communications Essay

Professional and Strategic Communications - Essay Example It therefore fuses the pushing and the delivering through the communication of the best message through the right channels as measured against a well-considered communication-specific and organizational goals. Strategic communication always involves different professional disciplines that may include management, technical communication, advertising and media relations amongst other relevant disciplines. Successful strategic communication must endeavour to communicate in order to influence a target audience or group of individuals and must be rational and authentic. Therefore, strategic communication concerns itself with planning for the future, implementation of specific tactics and taking into consideration the dynamism of the environment. This paper explores both professional and strategic communication through the exploration of the important role that behaviour change plays in successful communication and the challenges in the management of communication. For effective profession al and tactful communication, it is important that the person or the organization observes certain factors. The person communicating must be able to determine his objective before embarking on the communication in that you should understand the message before expressing it to others as establishing the goal will make the communication is concise and appropriate. It is important to consider your relationship to the audience or the persons to whom the communication is intended to by keeping and adhering to your professional status in mind as you communicate to the audience in anticipation of their reaction to the message being conveyed. The person communicating must use the appropriate terminology to demonstrate his professionalism and competence in passing the message across. Professional communication dictate that the person stays in control of his body language as the audience normally evaluates the message and its intention based on the posturing and the choice or words as even th e most tactful message can repel an audience. Azjen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) as espoused by Icek Ajzen is important as it helps us in the understanding the transformation in behaviour of a person as it predicts deliberate behaviour or that behaviour that has been planned. It was developed after the discovery of the fact that behaviour is not always fully voluntary and under control which was later taken as perceived behavioural control. Therefore, the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) states that the actions by human beings are guided by three considerations which include the behavioural beliefs which are those that are due to the consequences of behaviour and normative beliefs that are those beliefs about the normative expectations of others. Another consideration is the control beliefs that are the belief about the presence of factors that may expedite or impede the performance of behaviour. These considerations argued by Ajz en are important in the changing of the behaviour of human beings. It is important

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 93

Assignment Example The news from countries that are at war is now transformed to assume a face that is more human. Women changed the local stories that have made then public to respond to homelessness, child prostitution and domestic violence and abuse. Women were determined to change the traditions that had dominated the newsrooms for a long time (Chambers, Steiner, and Fleming 11). They argued that [people see what they are seeking and what they are adapted to. Women see perceive things differently from men, and they inclusion in the newsrooms adds a lot of value to the news coverage. They complete the news the content of the news by making all parts of the society visible. They also facilitated the redress of the discriminative nature of newspapers that perceived them as citizens who were in the second class (Chambers, Steiner, and Fleming 8). They now report about those women who are in exceptionally high ranks in any organization, not just using them in adverts to demonstrate the strength of a detergent that can remove all form s of stains. This essay is in total agreement with the fact that women have brought a major transformation in journalism, and the evidence for this is clear. In conclusion, women have brought a new face in the newsroom, by completing the news coverage to all spheres of society. However, they still have not been fully integrated to occupy the top ranks in the journalism

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Compare two movies by the characters , transporter 3 and death race Essay

Compare two movies by the characters , transporter 3 and death race - Essay Example (Tasker, pg 4) Characters form an integral part of a movie, but in action movies we find, that priority is given to ‘action over dialogue, characterization or emotion.† These movies are more of â€Å"visually exciting, conceptually shallow entertainment machines.† (Tasker, pg 104) Characters, especially the hero, in such films are known for their physique than their psychology and â€Å"broad sentimentality replaces emotional complexity or depth.’ (Tasker, pg 112) In the two action movies, Death Race 2000 and Transporter, both revolving around cars and car chases, the hero features in almost all the scenes, but he provides no peek into his psyche nor the reasons which drive into the course of action he is in. In Transporter, the hero is â€Å"a compromised man doing good† while in Death Race he is â€Å"a U.S. working man, doomed to wage the proletarian fight.† (White, 2008) The hero is forced to take recourse to certain objectionable means in order to achieve his ends, which often deal with physical violence and races, where victory is achieved through death-defying stunts. Another very important attribute of the hero in an action movie is that he has a heart of gold and would go to any lengths to protect the poor and defenseless. ( White, 2008) is forced to don the mantle of Frankenstein, the victor of death races, broadcast to a depraved public, hungering all the time for action. Jensen has been arrested wrongfully, and is made to take part in the race, staged over three days, where the final goal is to remain the last person alive, in this modern-day gladiatorial spectacle. The prison becomes the arena and the warden is the circus master, who drives the whole contest. Jensen shows that he has a moral streak in him and is ready to do anything which would restore to him his honor and name. He is in prison because he is unemployed, and this futuristic

Friday, October 4, 2019

Chapter 21 Question 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Chapter 21 Question 3 - Essay Example Because of this reason the cost of capital starts first to decline to a point where it achieved an optimal mix of debt and equity. If a firm uses too much debt financing, its overall risk profile start to increase. With more debt, the cash flows of the firm started to get strained because of the high proportion of them going for debt servicing. This reduces the free cash flow available to the firm which is one of the essential indicators of the value. It is because of this reason that the required rate of return on equity capital of the firm starts to rise thus increasing the overall cost of capital of the firm. It is also important to note that with more financing availed; shareholders tend to view the company with more skepticism as high amounts of debts indicate high risk because it may be perceived that the company’s operations may not have the capability to generate cash. Due to this perception, investors, who may be willing to invest into stock of the firm, start demanding high rate of return on equity capital. This, therefore, increases the total cost of

Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Education Systems Essay Example for Free

The Education Systems Essay Pre-school and pre-primary education in Lithuania, in the United Kingdom and in the USA have several things in common.. First, both education systems are available in three countries and also pre-school education is not compulsory. There are public and private pre-schools in three countries. Public pre-schools are those which are run by the government. Private pre-schools are those which are run by private organizations, for which parents have to pay fees. Many private pre-schools have a high reputation and parents send their children there so that they will have advantages later in life. There are nursery schools for children from the age of 1 to 3 years in Lithuania. Children from the age of 3 till 6 attend a kindergarten. The number of children in nursery schools is approximately 10 children and approximately 15 children in a kindergarten, whereas the number of children in the USA and in Great Britain is approximately 2-3 little children or 4-5 bigger children plus nursery-governor’s help. Another difference is about security in pre-school institutions. People who come in a kindergarten or nursery school are not registered. By contrast, people who come in a nursery school or a kindergarten are strictly registered in the USA and in Great Britain. Your driving licence or passport is taken and you get permission to be in a pre-school institution. The kindergartens and nursery schools in Lithuania also differs in their cost compared to cost of these pre-schools institutions in the United Kingdom and in the Usa because it is cheaper to let your children to Lithuanian kindergarten than to American or English kindergarten. Differently from Lithuania children under 5 receive pre-school education in Great Britain. Some go to playgroups several times a week and take part in structured play (play with some educational purpose) with other children of the same age. Others go to a nursery school or to the nursery department or kindergarten of a school. Children attend day nurseries until they are 6 months old the same as in Lithuania. Day nurseries take care of children activity, self-expression, security. Nursery-governors take care of children education and upbringing. The emphasis is on group work, creative activity and guided play. Day nurseries are divided into private and community. Fees in the communities are not so big as in the day nurseries. Some of the community nurseries give parents discounts according to their financial position. The working time is very different in day nurseries of Great Britain, for example, local authority pre-schools work until 15 a. m. The other pre-school institutions work from 7 till 19. All kindergartens work all year except public holidays in Great Britain meanwhile not all kindergartens work all year in Lithuania. In the same way, children attend nursery schools, day care or pre-school from an early age in the USA. Children are taught, trained in the nursery schools and in the kindergartens. Nursery-governors play with children. There are some requirements in order that your child would be inducted to kindergarten, for example, it is required children to be toilet trained and your child is not ready for the potty, they may not let him or her attend a kindergarten, but children are not required to be toilet trained in Lithuania. In the USA parents may also have to pay high fees for late pickups and end up having to stay home with their child if the pre-school says she or he is too sick to be there. Another difference is that parents can freely choose which nursery school or kindergarten their child is going to attend in Lithuania, but in the USA all children should go to nursery school or kindergarten according to their living place because there are brought under districts. All children go according to district which he or she belongs to. If parents think that their district’s nursery school or kindergarten is not as good as it should be, parents must change the living place in order that their children could go to a better pre-school institution. Pre-primary education content is similar in three countries. There a wide variety of fun activities – including singing, dancing, arts and crafts, storytelling, free play, and both indoor and outdoor games and projects – designed to teach children different skills. Cildren may also learn some academic basics such as counting and the alphabet. Children in Lithuania start to attend pre-primary institution at the age of 6, but if parents want and their child is grown enough pre-primary institution can be attend at the age of 5, while the majority of children start to attend pre-primary preparation lessons at the age of 2-5 in the United Kingdom. Also the government’s programme which is named â€Å"sureStart† gives the possibility to all children from the age of 3 to 4 to get pre-primary lessons free of charge in a kindergarten. Differently from Lithuania children at the age of 6 start to attend a school in the USA. Taking everything into account, I can note that pre-school and pre-primary education has several things in common in The United Kingdom, in the USA, and in the Lithuania, but on the other hand there are a lot of differencies.

Energy Drink Market Analysis

Energy Drink Market Analysis Introduction Background of the energy drink market Currently, the beverages industry shows a strong growth, and the energy drinks industry particularly expects further growth in the near future. Caffeine, acting as the most common stimulant, is generally the primary active component of energy drinks. Being able to provide the consumers quick refreshment and a feeling of highly energetic, the energy drinks give consumers another option to choose besides the traditional coffee and tea. Energy drink consumption has continued to gain in popularity since the 1997 debut of Red Bull, the current leader in the energy drink market. Drinking energy drinks is a popular practice among college students for a variety of situations. The energy drink consumption patterns among college students, prevalence and frequency of energy drink use for six situations, namely for insufficient sleep, to increase energy generally, while studying, driving long periods of time, drinking with alcohol while partying, and to treat a hangover. Although for the majority of situations assessed, consumers drink one energy drink with a reported average frequency of at least once per week. Company and Product Description Bada Company is s an independent energy drink manufacturing company located in a college town, which is also a tourist destination in the holiday season. The only product that we plan to launch in the start up phase is Bada Bala energy drink, which is designed to be packed in 350ml plastic bottle. It will be a new precedent for local standards and set up the new trend mainly among college students, which are also our target consumers. Market analysis and strategy Our company plans to launch only one kind of product in the start up phase because we really want to make sure that our business can achieve a steady increase in sales and gradually expand the popularity and market shares in this region. Since our company chose not to develop in an aggressive way and still maintain our edge in the local market, some key factors for our Bada Bala energy drinks success are summarized as following: Prime location for our product to break into the market .Located in a university town, our company have a strong and stable customer base and with more universities choosing to establish their campuses in this university town, the customer base will be growing in a steady pace. The visiting tourists in the holiday season will make up the decline demand from college students in the holiday season. Unique and high-quality product at reasonable prices. Our company will incorporate great product at lower expense, thus stick to keep an idea margin while catering to our customers demand. While energy drinks are nothing new, we will distinguish ourselves and focus more on the college students and at the same time emphasize on local taste to attract the visiting tourists in the holiday seasons. Successful taste testing with an excellent result among our target consumers. Based on their feedback, those university students are eager to have our Bada Bala energy drink as their first choice when they need an energy drink to boost their energy. Because of the student population being the core target markets, heavy sales and marketing will not be needed. Rather, our company will emphasize word-of-mouth advertisement, along with promotions broadcast on campus. During the first two weeks of launching the Bada Bala energy drink, flyers with coupons will be passed around campus for notification. We have allotted a small amount for any needed advertising each month, and prepare a promoting program when the tourists arrive here in the holiday season. Once the production begins, the revenue generated is expected to the financial source for reproduction. Financial plans Financial objective Generate  £1,200,000 of sales in year 1, with an 15% growth rate for the next two years. Realize a gross margin of at least 50% each year. Show a net profit of  £600,000 by the end of the year 1. We have already coordinated with local distributors to set up accounts for purchases and repayment. Investment plan The start-up costs of the production of Bada Bala Energy Drink will incorporate the costs such as of machinery and equipment for manufacturing, setting up selling and distribution channels, staff hiring, and other necessary expenses to start operation. At first year of start up phase, there are no plans for expanded business scales or introduce other new products. As business continues, we will re-evaluate to see if there is a part of the market that could be better assisted and adjusted. Costs have been allocated for 1-month supply of basic purchases raw materials, since general inventory turnaround is between 15 and 20 days. We realize that the 1-month time frame will allow for a small inventory to be maintained during opening months. Based on that, we will be able to determine rate for future replenishment. The plant site on the 50,000 square foot building has been confirmed and only minor renovations will be needed to set up the production condition for Bada Bala Energy Drink. The following sections will outline the important financial assumptions, break-even analysis, cash flow budget, budget balance sheet, budget income statement and key financial indicators and ratios. Sales forecasts on our product The market will vary greatly based on two factors: the academic schedule of university students and the travel schedule of the visiting tourists. The academic schedule will not affect the consumption too much, except for their will be a rise in consumption on the exams week and on occasions like sports meeting. Summers will tend to decrease the customer base of students as many choose not to attend school during this time. But the increasing tourist population will be the main force of our consumers during the time the students are away from the town. Thus, only some minor adjustments in production plan will be needed. Based on careful market analysis and calculations, we expect around 100,000 bottles to be sold on a monthly base in first year of the start up phase Based on the above forecasting sales, chart and tables of further financial analysis are enclosed in the appendix of this report. Return on investment At the start up phase, the monthly net profit from sales is expected to be  £50,000, with the monthly total sales being  £100,000 and the total costs of sales being £50,000. The sales margin is calculated to be 50 % by dividing the  £50,000 monthly net profit from sales by the £100,000 monthly total sales revenue. Our business will achieve realizable revenue of  £1,200,000 after one year of operation, and the profits will rise to £600,000 pre-tax. This represents an earning margin of 50 % pretax. The profits generated will be used to expand the scale gradually in the second year, while continue to run the business in a prudent strategy. Having the capital turnover being 3.2%, and the return on sales being 50% on a yearly base, with the return of investment is estimated to be 0.17%. Break-even analysis According to the estimate based on the market research, our company decides that roughly Bada Bala Energy Drink 100,000 bottles are sold on a monthly base, that is a profit revenue of £100,000 at monthly sale. The break-even point quantity will be reached at the sales volume of 23,077 bottles, given the Total fixed cost of £15,000 per month, consisting of the monthly fixed factory overheads of £5,000,000 , the monthly fixed selling and distribution overheads of  £400, 000 , and fixed administration overheads of £600,000. The variable costs per unit, consisting of the direct materials per unit of  £0.15 and direct labor per unit of $0.2, together totals to be £0.35 . Thus, the total variable cost on a monthly base is expected to be  £35,000 and the total monthly costs is  £50,000. Cash flow plan The cash budget is based on cost and revenue estimates. Monthly sales are the largest indicator. As discussed and explained above, the seasonal variations do not affect much on the sales. We want to finance the future growth of our company mainly through cash flow. Although playing it safe means we will have to increase the production scale slowly and gradually grab the lion market share, we think this strategy suits us very well because we want to the business have gradual growth without much financial risks. Summary Our advantage of located in the university town, together the careful financial planning, the precise market concentration and the rather modest developing strategy all serve as an competitive edge for success in this energy drinks manufacturing field. The earning margin of 50 % pretax and healthy cash flows that generated speak for itself and lead to a promising and attractive returns