Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

1. INTRODUCTION Internet abuse is generally means an employee is surfing inappropriate web sites during work hours. Visited web pages are prohibited in organizational policy, or simply because of time or frequency of an employee web browsing problem. Abuser finder project is a project that can detect and check what staff in SMK Taman Ria Jaya do during working hour such as opening sites that is unrelated to their work. It is useful to superiors to monitor what staffs do at work. Is it working or doing other work. If so, staff opened the other sites during work, superiors can criticize or take action against the staff. 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT Problem statement is where before making a solution sure there is the problem. Here, there are some problems to be solved. Among them are:- ï‚ž Staff open other website during working hours ï‚ž Staff not focusing on their work while working ï‚ž IT Staff cannot monitor what staff are doing when working hours because quite a lot of staff 3. OBJECTIVES It is a must to achieve this by solving the problem of internet abuse faced by workers today. Th...

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