Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Media Kids Essay - 1262 Words

It has been said that children are like sponges when it comes to attaining knowledge. This is true whether they are learning to speak or how to show emotion. The violence and risky behaviors as depicted on TV can have a profound effect on a young developing mind. It is well known that the first two years of life is when the brain undergoes critical development phases. During this time it is important that kids develop an accurate perception of the world they are growing up in. Over consumption of media (in general) presents a false reality that rewards for violent behavior, hinders mental and physical development, and promotes risky behavior. In response to this the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has recommended that â€Å"kids under the†¦show more content†¦In a study done by L. Rowell Huesmann, (Psychology Professor at the University of Michigan) a longitudinal experiment was performed to see if violence in media had a lasting effect in children through their teenag e years. The experiment involved two separate sessions, one began in 1977 and the other in 1992, fifteen years later when the children became adults. In the first session the children were asked to choose their favorite programs from eight lists with ten programs on each list. Each list included violent programs and non-violent programs. Then the children were asked of the shows chosen how often they had watched them using different amounts including; â€Å"every time it’s on†, â€Å"a lot, but not always,† or once in a while†. The violence level in this experiment was rated 1-5,†5† being very violent. In the follow up experiment done in 1992 the test subjects were brought back in (of which 329 could be found) and asked the same questions about which shows they prefer and how often they watched violent programs using the same 1-5 scale. The researchers then spoke with three non-family members about the participant’s level of aggression. The results showed that the adults who rated with â€Å"every time it’s on† with more violent shows (4-5) when they were younger proved to show more aggressive physical behavior towards their spouses and friends than children that were at the opposite end of the spectrum. This experiment showsShow MoreRelatedViolent Media Is Good For Kids909 Words   |  4 PagesBarbarically inspiring Violent media; a strikingly relevant phenomenon millions are becoming captivated by. It’s everywhere you go, on your phone, the TV or on the computer. As much as people try to avoid it, they soon realize it’s ineluctable. Gerard Jones, a comic-book author, released a brief report, â€Å"Violent Media Is Good for Kids† that argued violent media is not only beneficial to children but also inspiring. He goes on to support his claim by sampling his own personal experiences. 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