Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Implementation of ecotourism principles in Pembrokeshire Coastal Research Paper

Implementation of ecotourism principles in Pembrokeshire Coastal National Park - Research Paper Example arch is carried out which discusses about the implementation of ecotourism in Pembrokeshire Coastal National Park (PCNP) and the reasons why it has been referred as an ecotourism site. The procedure thus followed in this project is mainly secondary and descriptive research followed by primary research.  (Visit Prembrokeshire 2009; Prembrokeshire coast National Park, n.d.; Stopher and Metcalf, 1996)    Primary data being a direct source of information is more reliable as it is collected directly by interviewing the relevant person or from government records. There is no possibility of the data being modified by a third party and this helps in deciding which analytical techniques to use and how to interpret the results. There cannot be a better way to study the tourism industry, which is formed by tourists from different cultural and emotional background, and whether they as well as the local people are aware of the importance of sustainable development and their views about the implementation of ecotourism. At times, much relevant information cannot be gathered from official sources. First- hand information hence can be more apt.   But one disadvantage of primary research is that, it may not be always possible for individuals to travel due to time and financial constraints. (Ithaca College library, August 2009) The secondary research done here is based on existing works in this field. The resources are gathered from government publications, books, journals and articles of the United Nations Environment Program and economic periodicals. This is the very essence of secondary research. Such a research is advantageous as it saves time and money incurred for the research with easy and fast  collection of data. Often secondary data is available for broad subjects about which it would be impossible to gather primary data. But the negatives lies in the fact that the quality of secondary research need to be scrutinized as the source is questionable and there is a

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