Wednesday, May 6, 2020

School Uniforms Will NOT Reduce School Violence Essay example

In 1755, Benjamin Franklin, inventor, author, and founding father of the American government wrote, â€Å"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.† Thus, in regards to the debate of the school uniform policy, could it be said, to conform to the masses to secure a little safety; liberty is being forsaken? Uniforms have been around for centuries; yet, only more recently introduced into American public schools in 1979, as a way to combat differences in social status among students. Today, school uniform policies are being looked at as a way to combat violence in the American school systems. Collin’s English Dictionary online defines uniforms as a prescribed†¦show more content†¦Society is made up of different body types and uniforms are just that, uniform. Wearing something that does not fit right is extremely uncomfortable and distracting. If a student sitting in the classroom is tr ying to pay attention to a lesson, but has to constantly adjust their clothing in a worthless attempt to get comfortable, this can be extremely disruptive to the class as a whole because the teacher has to periodically remind the student to stop fidgeting and pay attention. The drawing of this attention to the student and their clothing can be detrimental to their self-confidence, and make them a target for other students to make fun of them. â€Å"The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) opposes uniforms on the grounds that they violate students’ rights to freedom of expression as guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution.† (â€Å"School Uniforms†). How a student dresses will not directly improve their grades, and making them wear a uniform will curb their expression of individuality. Having to alter a uniform to fit body type can get extremely expensive. Moreover, parents are affected by the school uniform policy as well. The public school system paid for by American tax dollars, and it is unfair to saddle parents with the responsibility to purchase additional clothing to meet school uniform policy requirements. Due to the current state of the economy, parents are looking for a way to stretch their dollars, not additional expenses on topShow MoreRelatedDrug Abuse Prevention Programs3138 Words   |  13 PagesRunning head: DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION Drug Abuse Prevention Programs: Effectiveness of DARE and Project ALERT Drug Abuse Prevention Programs: Effectiveness of DARE and Project ALERT Although drug use among secondary school students appears to have leveled off during the late 1990s, US adolescents continue to use alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana at unacceptably high rates. Among eighth graders, 52% have tried alcohol, 41% have tried cigarettes, and 20% have tried marijuana. 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