Friday, June 14, 2019

Applying PR theory and concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Applying PR theory and concepts - Essay ExampleVodafone is the largest mobile phone operators in the conception and NSPCC is one of the leading charity organizations located in UK. The objective of the PR department in Vodafone is to create a positive and favourable image of the ships companion in the customers minds. This is especially applicable during times when the company launches a new product or service and communicates the message to the customers. Similarly NSPCC as well as undertakes different kinds of PR activities for communicating with its stakeholders. PR activities are considered especially important for the company because it is a charitable organization and makes little investments on advertisements. In such(prenominal) a condition, public relations are considered to be the most cost effective and authentic model of communication with stakeholders. The second part of the project primarily focuses on the different theories of public relations describing them elabo rately. Moreover the applications of the theories in practice are also highlighted along with comments about the ways it could be improved in the future.The three main stakeholder groups identified in Vodafone are its investors, consumers and employees. Maintaining proper relationship with stakeholders is considered to be of prime importance as they are the people who could affect the companys business or who can be affected by it too. Vodafone seeks to communicate its perspectives with them and at the same time gains their feedback too. The feedback received provides information about the sentiment about the sustainability priorities for the companys strategies and also feeds into the appropriate sustainability strategies (Vodafone, 2011). In order to communicate with stakeholders the company undertakes PR activities like conducting conference calls, or meetings with investors on a regular basis. This is done with the aim of understanding

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