Monday, June 10, 2019

Environmental Risk Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Environmental Risk Management - Coursework ExampleFor adoption of an rough-and-ready EMS, this paper discusses the processes involved in Environmental risk judging. These include hazard assessment, exposure assessment, consequences assessment as well as risk estimation. Through integration of these processes with the study activities undertaken in formulation and implementation of EMS, an organization is able to benefit from an effective EMS. Some of the major implications of an accredited EMS to institutions such as Cowcaddens University include minify operational costs, public support and competitive advantage. In this regard, this paper discusses some key recommendations that Cowcaddens should adopt. For instance, the institution should engage all stakeholders including employees and students in the entire process of formulating and implementing the EMS. This overly entails offering environment conservation courses in addition to offering training to the employees and holding environmental protection seminars and forums. Introduction Environmental Management System (EMS) entails all-around(prenominal) strategies that are adopted to effectively manage environmental aspects that affect the day to day operations of companies. ... Other advantages of EMS include improving the production process, reduction of guild liabilities and expenses as well as reduction of costs of managing waste materials. For companies to increase total sales, it is imperative for firms to emulate effective EMS especially in the modern times when most consumers are keenly looking for products that are harmless to the environment. This paper seeks to discuss the concepts that are vital in the development of an environmental risk assessment process as part of an Environment Management System of Cowcaddens University. Specific Environmental legislation Environmental Permitting Regulations 2011 SI 2043 Environmental Permitting Regulations 2011 SI 2043 is one of the major environmenta l legislation that was emulated by UK government in October 2011. The law that seeks to redefine radioactive waste was adopted after several amendments of the earlier Acts. The amendment was done in order to provide effective EMS that ensures risks associated with radioactive materials are properly addressed. Due to the anomalies of Radioactive Substances Act (RSA) of 1960, the UK government recognized the need to make adjustment of the Act. RSA 1993 was similarly based on RSA 1960. Even though some countries such as Northern Ireland and Scotland ease up still retained the majority of the provisions of RSA 1993, major reviews have been adopted in UK that are contributed by various environment regulators and industries. This was aimed at making UK attain a strong approach of preventing the country from being negatively affected by the large amount of radioactive materials from the industries. The monitoring of the implementation of the law is to be undertaken in 2015.

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