Sunday, June 16, 2019

Nevada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nevada - Essay ExampleEarly white settlements were Spaniards headed by two Spanish explorers Father Francisco Atanasio Dominguez and Father Silvestre Velez de Escalante both were looking for the route that connects the San Buenaventura River into the Rocky Mountains slew to the Pacific, however no(prenominal) were unearth. On the same occasion another Spanish Friar again aim to locate the route but instead acquire himself into Las Vegas. When Spain had befallen, Mexico ceded Nevada, this is the time when the Paiute tribes became slaves and were exported by the Mexicans. Nevada was teeming with natural resources that perhaps that is one of the motivations of the newcomers to settle in the place. Exploration had started off during 1821 when Peter Skene Ogden of the Hudsons Bay Company of Great Britain and Jedediah metalworker of the Rocky Mountain Fur Company followed by others entered the opposite ends of Nevada seeking new beaver ponds and the elusive river, the San Buenaventura. Several explorations aimed to locate the mysterious San Buenaventura River but none of them ever finds it. The end of the Mexican War started to be the second phase of the Great exploration towards the frontier of Nevada. The discovery of gold had further the determination of many another(prenominal) explorers.

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